My dad died today

My dad died at 10.30 this morning. He wouldn't have any medication and fought til the end. Seeing his pain will haunt me forever. He was diagnosed 3 weeks ago and is now gone. I can't imagine my life with him, I'm so heartbroken

  • Thankyou Mandy xx

  • I'm so sorry Patricia,

    I lost my dad 4 weeks ago and it's only now that part of me is processing it.All I can say is what works for me is keeping myself distracted a lot of the time and spending time with my partner and very good friends.Sending you hugs xox you can get through this xox

  • Thankyou Susan it still doesn't seem real, I've just started setting foot out of the house and not breaking down, once the funeral is over I will have to start accepting it. Thankyou and also sorry for your loss, such an awful thing xxx

  • Hey, i dont no if this post is still open. I'm sorry for the loss of your dad. I los my dad 11 months ago and honestly i miss him more everyday that I wake up. 1 year ago today he was taken into hospital and never managed to come back out, He spent a month in the paliative care ward before he died with all of us surrounding him. My dad was my best friend, we did everything together. You'll never get over it ever. Period. I still cry and the pain is still, if not more, horrific. He's missed out on mine and my little sisters life. But you do begin to see a reason to get up everyday. One day you'll finally be able to feel as normal as you're going to be for the rest of your life. Everyday is an uphill struggle, everyday has it's own challenges. You aren't alone. I pray you and your family find the comfort my family and I did, when we realised my dad was finally pain free and out of pain. God bless you all xxx
  • Dear Patricia, I can't begin to imagine how you are feeling at this moment,  but felt compelled to say I'm so very sorry for your loss of your lovely dad, my dad has also been touched by cancer but is still here with us, as a daughter who adores her dad it is a helpless frustrating process to be on the sidelines watching a loved one battle.  Your dad is now at peace, I hope in time you can take a small degree of comfort in that.  

    Sending love

    Kate x

  • God bless you, keep strong, make him proud of you xx

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