Losing a parent

Last year my mum was the absolute picture of health and then I remember come this year February she complained about her lower back. I already was worried because she had had cancer four times in her 59 years and I knew that something was up. My mum didn't often complain. Then it was discovered she had spinal cancer and they also found tumours in her liver. It was awful news. My brothers and I took it badly. We knew that this was the worst it had ever been. 

Three months later my mum came to my wedding. She had lost a lot of weight and was at the stage where they weren't sure about pursuing chemotherapy. Radiation had worked for the tumours in her spine. That was just over four weeks ago. Shortly after my wedding, the onocologist told my mum that chemotherapy would only marginally improve things but that the liver cancer was too advanced and she could try chemo treatment if she wanted. My mum chose not to.

My mum passed away last week Wednesday in the early hours and I think the biggest struggle is comprehending how quickly she is now gone since diagnosis. Even all her doctors said that it wasn't expected to go this fast and they suspect she had tumours elsewhere that may have not been picked up.

I'm 29 years old but it doesn't make any of this easier. I've lost family and friends but this is the hardest and most painful thing I've been through. I used to talk to my mum every week and she was always there for me. My mum was also the centre of our family and now there is a massive gaping hole. I still wake up in denial about everything that she is gone. It hurts massively. My poor husband has a wife in pieces everyday and doesn't know what to do to help me. I don't feel I will ever be able to fully move on from this. I think about the little things like the emails and phone calls. Then the bigger things - the grand children she longed for and my brothers weddings. I wish I had more time with her. I wish she could have been here to see all the things she wanted to see. 

  • Hey, I'm afraid I can't offer any words that will offer a huge amount of comfort as i too am in the same boat as you. My dad died on Sunday morning from oesophageal cancer that was being treated with chemo to try and give him more time and I'm reeling. He'd had 2 sessions of chemo over last couple of months and it has turned him into a shell...was just awful to see him that way. Just wanted to say if you ever want to talk to someone who is going through the same rollercoaster of emotions then please message me. Sometimes it just helps to know you're not alone in the way you're feeling. Sending massive hugs xxx
  • I'm so sorry to both of you for your loss, it's a horrible horrible situation to be in and such and no one truly understands it unless they've experienced it, however everyone deals with grief differently and has a different experience. My mum died just over 11 weeks ago from pancreatic cancer. We were lucky (I say lucky in the loosest of terms) that we had 20months with her after diagnosis. She was determined to make my sisters wedding and died 12 days after it, so Atayha I am so glad she saw your wedding and you will in time look back of the wonderful memories from that day, she would have been so happy to be there, as my mum was at my sisters.  I was sad on the wedding day at first as she looked so so frail but everytime I saw her she had the biggest smile on her face and I thought If she's happy then I need to be too! 

    It takes time but slowly you will begin to get back to some sort of normality and not be such a crying/emotional mess all the time. Everyone deals with it differently and it will take different time lengths for everyone but from experience it was very gradual for me, it's still recent but also seems like a long time ago. I still feel very sad at times and have overwhelming emotional outbursts, but that helps and then I can go on with my day and manage to not think about my mum 24/7. Recently my mum hasn't always been the first thought on my mind when I wake up and although I find it sad that time is moving on and people are getting on with their lives I think I need to know that my mum would want that. All our parents want is for us to be happy and we need to remember that. I know it's such a cliche but time will help; it will never heal it and we unfortunately need to live with this forever but it does get easier. 

    Sending you both big hugs and strength xx 

  • Hi Laura, thanks for your message. I'm sorry I have been rubbish with replying.

    I'm really sorry for your loss. I know that there is nothing I can say but just wanted to let you know that you are in my thoughts and prayers over this difficult time. Please do send me a message if you want to chat at all.

    Take care X

  • Hi Chazmonty, thank you for your message and sharing your testimony of experiencing loss.

    I've got a friend who lost her mum 8 weeks ago and she told me that it feels like it happened 8 months ago at times. I feel like it has been the longest two weeks of my life. I have my good days and my not so good days. I think today was one of the more difficult days as I was able to just sit and reflect on the nearly two weeks since she passed away. 

    It is also difficult seeing everyone move on with their lives but I really draw a lot of encouragement from everyone sharing and it makes me feel like all the emotions I am experiencing is very normal. Thank you for helping us remain positive and to look forward.