It's been a week since My Dad has gone for a lung cancer

I lost all my hope of life when the day my father paased away.My dad was 59 years old when he was diagnosed with mesothelioma (a very rear lung cancer). We found it in 10/2015 and he passed away on 16/09/2016 after 8 months. At that moment my wife was pregnant and she was due on 25/06/2016 . My dad was waiting to see his first grand daughter and he went to heaven few days before our child's deleivery date . At that moment me and my wife were staying overseas and my dad and mom were living in Sri Lanka. Things went up side down when we heard the news that my father was having a cancer. Since there was a big line up for PET scan in Sr Lanka we took him to singapore for a PET scan and doctors said he will only live max upto 8 months. We immediately started chemo but after 6 th set of chemo we found that the cancer was stronger  and the chemo couldn't control it. At that time it has fully covered his right lung and has spread it to heart and to Some of other organs.All this happened in last march. Unfortunately after two months time tumor has spread it to both of his lungs and he had breathing problems,So he had his last breath in June. During this 8 months period i have spent most of my time with dad in Sri Lanka as my wife couldnt travel due to pregnancy.i have seen how my dad went through,the pain he had and how we all suffered from it. He was my most beloved person in whole world and still cant believed he went away from us like this. No matter what i do or where i go , my life won't be same again. I will miss his for ever and ever.I have lost my all hope of life but I'm still living becouse of my baby girl to give her a better life.

  • Hello sandimax3,

    I am so sorry to hear your dad passed away in September and how sad that he missed seeing your baby by just a few days. It must have been a really emotional time for you as you were waiting to welcome a baby into this world while at the same time supporting your father in his final days. The pain is still very raw for you and this forum is a great place for you to come and meet others who have been through a very similar experience and the felt the same kind of pain of losing a loved one.

    Congratulations on the birth of your daughter. You are right to focus on your baby girl at the moment and see what a bundle of joy she must be, how quickly she must be growing.

    Best wishes,

    Lucie, Cancer Chat Moderator