Lost my mam

Hi I lost my mam a week today. I can't believe how painful the grief is. She had breast cancer four years,ago & bravely fought it. But last July it had returned & 6 weeks,ago it spread to her brain. Myself & my dad nursed her at home but as,dad also has terminal cancer & it was getting too much we put mam in hospice for a few days. That was on the Friday & she died the following Monday. She said she wanted to go & could fight it no longer, she was incredibly brave. I was with her when she died. She talked right up to the end but also to someone not seen - I like to think it was my Gran.

She was my best friend & confidant - I could tell her anything, we talked every day! The pain is horrendous but there is much to sort, funeral & finances that you don't have time to think. My dad has cancer in his stomach, oesphagys & liver & in the  last week has become a shadow of his former self. I'm worried I am going to go through this all again soon with dad. He has,a scan next week & will take it from there. I have a brother who has been a difficult presence in our lives so it's an added difficulty. We think he has aspergers or something similar so is no support.

I'm finding everything so very difficult and the one person I would go to for advice is mam. My husband has been a tower of strength but I feel as if I will never feel happiness again. I would welcome people's experiences navigating through the painful process of grieving.

Thank you


  • I have voicemails too. I have one from about 5 months before my mum died and one from a few weeks before, I can hear the deterioration even in her voice through the 2nd message as she had got a lot weaker, but they are lovely to have and she tells me how much she loves me and how my son (her only grandson) is the sweetest sweetest little boy. I have saved the messages to the computer so I will have them to keep. We also recorded a copy of my mums voicemail recording from her answerphone before it was disconnected, it's just nice to hear her voice sometimes. I miss our chats too and our daily text messages, even if they were about nothing or just sending some hearts or kisses. So many things happen and I think how I would have sent my mum a message to tell her about it and now I cant. It makes me so sad. I was driving today and I started replaying her last few hours in my head, I had to make myself stop so I could concentrate on driving and not be a bubbling wreck whilst driving on the motorway. It just catches me off guard at times. I suppose emotions do that. 


    We we have my aunts annual family gathering in 2 weeks time, I can't believe my mum won't be there, surrounded by her siblings and nieces/nephews. The Saturday of it will be 100 days since my mum died, I can't quite believe it. On that day is also my 5th wedding anniversary, my mum and my sister are the only people who every year give us a card for it and I'm so sad that we won't get a card from my mum this year, or any other.

    i do feel that I'm getting on ok and managing, but it is difficult at times and I suppose that'll never change: 

    i hope you're doing ok xx 

  • Aww sending hugs - lots! I love what you did with the recordings, never thought of doing that, such a clever idea. The IT lad in my department has very kindly offered to copy videos of my wedding & when I was little onto DVDs with mam on so I can watch them. It does,so catch you off guard! I can be watching TV, out with friends & something about my mam will pop into my head, so I shelve it until I'm on my own then it comes back & it hits me that's it she has gone, she will never do that again etc & it hurts so much! Someone told me it takes about six months to fully grieve and come to terms. I feel very flat and low at the moment & don't seem to be able to find joy in anything. I think it's nice that the day of your wedding anniversary you will be surrounded by all family and friends which might help in some way for the lack of card from your mum! But I have a feeling your mum will be there. I think like you am functioning and managing. No-one would ever know, I laugh and joke on but inside feel so low. I think am faking it till I make it but am hoping at some point I will feel joy again. Stay strong xxx
  • I am really sorry to hear your having such a tough time and glad you have your husband to help you. I lost my Dad in June who had cancer in the liver, chest and adrenals and my boyfriend lost his dad to pancreatic cancer last October. We've both found we've clung to our mothers more in fear of losing them also. I can only imagine how hard it must be for you right now. My thoughts are with you x