Lost my mam

Hi I lost my mam a week today. I can't believe how painful the grief is. She had breast cancer four years,ago & bravely fought it. But last July it had returned & 6 weeks,ago it spread to her brain. Myself & my dad nursed her at home but as,dad also has terminal cancer & it was getting too much we put mam in hospice for a few days. That was on the Friday & she died the following Monday. She said she wanted to go & could fight it no longer, she was incredibly brave. I was with her when she died. She talked right up to the end but also to someone not seen - I like to think it was my Gran.

She was my best friend & confidant - I could tell her anything, we talked every day! The pain is horrendous but there is much to sort, funeral & finances that you don't have time to think. My dad has cancer in his stomach, oesphagys & liver & in the  last week has become a shadow of his former self. I'm worried I am going to go through this all again soon with dad. He has,a scan next week & will take it from there. I have a brother who has been a difficult presence in our lives so it's an added difficulty. We think he has aspergers or something similar so is no support.

I'm finding everything so very difficult and the one person I would go to for advice is mam. My husband has been a tower of strength but I feel as if I will never feel happiness again. I would welcome people's experiences navigating through the painful process of grieving.

Thank you


  • Hello there just thought I would drop by and see how you are. I've had an awful week - it seems to be getting harder. I'm going back to work on Wednesday though, phased return & am hoping it will help. Am spending a lot of time with dad sorting mams things out, finance stuff - I need a break from it all. He's considering selling up and renting a flat in a retirement block. I think being practical he doesn't want everything to fall on my shoulders when the time comes as obviously my brother is of no help. However, I don't want him to rush into that decision. We have a viewing on Monday though.

    How have you been? How you finding work? I miss mam dreadfully & still have times when I don't think it's real. Our family is very male dominated and I'm really missing that family female connection too. We did loads together, girlie days out getting our nails done or watching a show! Things I can still do with friends but not quite the same! I'm finding those friends who have daughters hard to be around though, as feel envious! I only have the one child, my lovely son who at 13 is going through the teenage grunt stage! I dearly wanted another child esp a daughter but after years of trying with no success & health problems meant I had to have a hysterectomy 3 years ago. I was devastated but being with mam helped me deal with that loss but with her not being here just seems to be opening that wound up again. 

    A week after mam died myself, dad and her best friend all experienced something at 11.30pm. I felt her in my bedroom & her best friend also felt a presence & dad took a phone call & no-one was there. When I checked last call on his phone no-one had rang yet dad was adamant the phone had rang! However their song was the Stevie Wonder hit ' I just called to say I love you' & was to be played at her funeral. I'm sure it was a sign & her way of letting us know she was ok. But since then there has been nothing & I desperately look for little signs. There is no magic formula I suppose but she has left a massive gap in my life that at the moment I don't know how to fill or how to stop the overwhelming pain that comes from time to time. Anyway I just wanted you to know I was still thinking of you and if you need to offload, am still listening.

    Jill xx

  • Hi Jill,

    Sorry to hear you've had such a tough week. How did you get on being back at work today? I'm sure it was really tough, I am finding it a lot easier at work now and can finally concentrate again on what I'm meant to be doing. It's tough the first few weeks but I know you'll get there slowly. 

    That must have been really hard with your health problems and so nice that your mum was there to help you and give you support through that; so tough that she isn't there anymore to help you, no wonder it is opening up the wound again, everything goes through your head from all the happy to sad memories and tough times. Your mum will be so proud of you and how you've brought up your son, you mentioned she adored him and that's a lovely thing to be able to cherish. He must be struggling too,even if he's not showing it, which I suppose will be another challenge itself for you making sure he's ok.


    Overall ive had a good week. We held a memorial service in Glasgow on Saturday, my mum had lived here for 20 years so all her Glasgow friends and mine and my sisters friends and family and step-dads family came. It was really lovely. The service was very similar to the funeral but more upbeat and some poems read by her two close friends and memories read out. We had food and drinks and a toast to my mum and a few circle dances after (my mum taught circle dancing twice a week, so a very fitting tribute to her!). It went really well. People said I did really well at it as I hardly cried, I think though that I'm so used to talking about mum and not crying (only having breakdowns if I start concentrating on it) that I just managed to enjoy the day without getting upset. So that was lovely and on Sunday we scattered 1/3 of her ashes in the local park that she loved, we had a big group hug and passed the box round and all spoke to it and kissed it and then scattered them, it was really lovely. I'm surprised by how much I think it helped me. The rest of the ashes are to be down south where she lived recently. 

    I think I've been so busy recently that I've not had as much time to think about mums passing, We've just bought a new house (we actually found out we got it the day encore mum died) and have sold our flat today, so it's all going on and I'm keeping busy at weekends too. It's hard though if I'm driving and that's the time I think about mum and start to get upset. It makes me sad to think that I'm not crying the way I was at first, as I don't want to start to feel better as I feel as if that somehow lessens her death and my sadness, which I know is rubbish, but I will forever be sad because of it, it's just hard that life goes on and we have to as well. 


    Thats so lovely about the sign from your mum. One of my mums really close friends said she woke up in the night and my mum was at the side of the bed smiling at her and then disappeared. She said all she felt was tremendous warmth and love and it was lovely. She is a really nice and normal lady and I really believe what she said, she has had a few experiences in the past when she was younger which were similar. So I think that's lovely and although I desperately want a sign from my mum for myself, maybe I'm not able to see a sign, maybe only some people can. My mum said to my sister last year that she didn't know what was going to happen but whatever did it would be alright, and I do believe that, it will be alright. It might be sh*t and not fair but I believe my mum when she says that.


    I recently finished reading a book my mum had read, it's called 'proof of heaven' it was really interesting and it helped me, so just incase you want something that may help you a little too? 

    Let me know how you're getting on anyway. Big hugs xxx

  • I'm so sorry I thought I had replied but my response doesn't seem to have loaded. I think the memorial service sounds a lovely way to remember your mum, such a day of positivity & love! I like what you did with the ashes, we are going to the Yorkshire dales to scatter mams ashes on her birthday on Wed & I think I'd like to do that. I'm hoping that will be another milestone to draw a line under, though emotional. I've had some very low times none more so then my son's prom night - we are still 3 tier school so he's finished Middle school - he went with his new girlfriend! All I wanted was to tell mam she would have been so proud! But I am back to work & having a routine again & am still helping dad but I realised I needed to distance myself a little as being at the house talking about mam was hard. I've filled my weekends with lovely catch ups with friends & nice parties & am getting there. My friend is going through what I went through with her mam & the rollercoaster that entails. It suddenly dawned on me that I have spent the past year worrying about losing mam & now I have, I survived it! Nothing could hurt or overwhelm me at the moment as much as that did & I feel empowered by that. It made me realise how strong people like you and me are & no-one can take that away from us! It sounds exciting things are happening, buying a house - something positive again to focus on. I totally get what you mean about not being as upset, I am starting to feel I'm forgetting what it was like to have her in my life & that feels a betrayal to her memory somehow! But she would be pleased I am moving on with my life! I thought that was lovely about your mams friend. Dad has had another sign. He was lying in bed one morning & heard a voice say get up & felt someones hand on his back but nothing since then. I will look into getting the book you suggested - I also read a book the weekend before man died called Heaven is for real & can recommend that. Things are starting to get easier - but I know the grief will ebb & foo for a while yet. Thanks for being there xx
  • Hi Jill.

    I just lost my Mum 11 days ago to breast cancer. It also spread to her brain and a few other places. We put her in a hospice to sort out the pain she was having and 5 days later she was gone. This was 5 months after she was diagnosed for the second time.

    It has been the worst experience of my life losing my Mum, who was also my best friend. I still lived with her so I was used to seeing her everyday. Now I don't know what to do. I'm trying to move on and get back to normal and I've kept a brave face on since it happened. I don't like people to see me cry because I don't want them to make a big deal out of it. My fiancee has been there for me and has been very supportive. He held my hand at the funeral yesterday and was there when needed. We also had everyone in bright colours.

    I don't know how to feel right now. I don't think I've grieved fully, I've had too much to do. I've been left the house so I've had to changed things into my name and work things out.

    I just realise now that you first posted a month ago, so perhaps I could get some advice on how you are a month later? I'm just worried that I'll never feel better or be able to accept this big life changing loss.

    Linsey xxx

  • First of all just to say how truly sorry I am for the loss of your mum! I felt a little emotional reading your post as it reminded me of those first painful weeks grieving and trying to accept the life changing loss. You think you will never be able to be happy again, but you will! The hardest thing is just dealing with them not being there and the massive void that brings! I put photographs of my mam in every room of the house so no matter where I was I could chat to her! Mam died on 30th May and I am only just starting to feel like me again - I know life will never be the same again but am starting to adjust! As painful as grieving is you have to go through it to get to the other side! I think it's hardest just after the funeral when everything calms down and you realise they aren't coming back. Do you have a good network of friends too? I was lucky that my husband was supportive but understanding as he lost his dad some years,ago so knew exactly how I felt but I also had good friends who looked after me and gave me space when I needed it and / or company too. I'm now strong enough to go out and have lovely things planned every weekend and have realised I need to spoil myself because losing a parent (esp one that was also your best friend) is one of the biggest things to cope with! I'm finding this helpful! We are scattering mams ashes on Wednesday and I do feel anxious as its also her birthday but I want it to be a day filled with remembering all the good times that we shared celebrating previous ones and a day to say a final farewell! I'm now at a stage where I feel blessed to have had her in my life and I will spend the rest of my life making her proud as I'm sure she is watching. I still have moments and I probably will for a long time but it does get easier, just be kind to yourself and don't hide that your upset let people know because it is a big deal, it's massive! Everyone has different ways of grieving and what works for them but I think letting the emotions come and not hide them is probably better in the long run!! I'm sending big hugs to you for your journey ahead but you will get there. Xxxx
  • Hi Jill.

    Thank you for your kind words and experience. I had a moment last night where I just broke down and my emotions just overtook. I feel better for it now though as I haven't actually grieved like that till now.

    In have a lot of support in terms of my friends, and Mum's. They're always checking in and seeing how I'm doing.

    It is difficult happening so close to a birthday. It would have been Mum's 52nd next Thursday. I was going to throw her a small tea party, as I wasn't sure if she'd be well enough to handle a full-on party. I usually through her one every year, except last year because she didn't want one. Her friends and I have agreed to have a party in her honor regardless, but it will be a costume party instead, as we both love that sort of thing. It's given me something to work towards and look forward to. I have a few other things to look forward to also, which should help take my mind off everything.

    Again, thank you for the support, and I hope you are managing ok.

    Linsey xxx

  • Am sorry to read your mum was so young, 52 is no age at all. It should have been mams 73rd birthday yesterday & I found it way harder than I expected so just to warn you all the emotions will resurface, though it is still very early days for you! We also scattered mams ashes & went with my dad, husband & son! I find these trips out just magnify the fact mams not there & her miss her female presence. Mam had left some money for her 3 best friends to go out & have a day enjoying themselves & they chose to go out on her birthday so it was lovely to know everyone was out remembering her! We scattered her ashes in a beautiful place in Yorkshire where she loved to walk beside a babbling stream so peaceful & beautiful but very emotional! I think having a party with her friends will be a lovely way to spend her birthday being surrounded by others who cared & loved her too remembering those lovely times. I'm pleased you have been able to let go & have a good cry - it will help. It's such a difficult time that there is no easy way through. Just whatever helps do it. Take care xxx
  • Hi Jill,

    i hope the scattering of the ashes went well and helped you. I'm sure your mams birthday was difficult for you, I found that a really sad and hard day. I'm glad that you are slowly moving along. You are so right with what you said about worrying for a year and then they died and we survived it, it brought a tear to my eye reading what you wrote. I don't know how we survived it and will continue to do so but we are being strong as we are our mums daughters! And they would want us to get on and make the most of our lives as they did. 

    I will ave a look out for that book. I find it nice and comforting to read about people's experiences and afterlife experiences. I can't believe it's been over 11 weeks since my mum died, it seems so long ago yet so near too. It's sad as it gets further away as its longer since we've seen and spoken to and hugged them. 

    Thanks to you for being there too. Keep in touch xx

  • Hi Linsey,

    i also wanted to say I'm so sorry to hear about your mum. She has been taken far too young. Sending you big hugs. As Jill said It is such a hard time and everyone grieves differently but you will at somepoint be able to get back to some sort of normality and be happy again. I know it's hard to think that now and just now you need to do whatever feels right for you. I'm not always one to show my emotions and therefore don't always do that, however being able to talk about you mum will really help and I have found that a good cry always makes me feel better, along with a good nights sleep. 

    Its been so recent that your mum passed away, you will probably still be in a bit of shock and everything won't have sunk in yet, as I said take a day at a time and know that your mum would only want for you to be happy and will be so proud of you.  

    Take care xx 

  • Hi there, yes the scattering of the ashes was very emotional much more than I expected. Memories of previous birthdays - just so hard. I seem to still have emotional days too. It's hard to realise that it's getting further & further since we hugged & talked - your so right about that. I have a message on my answermachine that mam left 2 weeks before she died which I haven't erased & sometimes listen to. I know at some point it will be accidentally erased but for now I play it from time to time - she tells me she loves me so it's very precious. But I miss our chats - I'm doing so much with friends but the void inside never seems to be filled! I'm on Facebook too & it keeps coming up with what we did this time last year or 2-3 years ago so it's a constant reminder of her loss. It's hard but bittersweet. I wondered how you were both getting on & how you are coping. Xxx