Mum has gone

my mum was diagnosed with trachea cancer.  Less then 6 weeks from start to finish. I chose to believe she is somewhere else because I can't use the d word yet. She was every thing to me. My support my best friend. I saw and talked to her every day. I feel I am in the twilight zone. Only been 5 weeks but I want her here!

  • Hi I'm not good with talking/communicating but I lost my older brother last year who was 35yrs old and it takes about a year to start to cope with the loss. Stay strong. Take care of yourself with plenty of sleep. Your mum will want you to be happy and stay well. I have had 3bereavements in the last 2years and it was my closest family members. I have no one left. My brother was the youngest and it's very difficult. You know your mum wanted the best for you so stay strong and stay well. 

  • Hi Hadley,

    I lost my dad just under 2 months ago and I have taken the advice of a day at a time. It's so hard when you miss them so much to try and force yourself into thinking of happy memories like everyone tells you to do. I know what you mean with not wanting to use the d word. I hated it when people referred to my dad in the past tense.

    It's hard to do it, because it reminds you that they're not here, but just remember how much your mum loves you, and that she would want you to go on  to have a happy life (even if you miss her).

    Stay strong and take care of yourself x

  • Hi, I lost my sister to a brain tumor and now my mums dying of lung cancer.  I think I'm loosing my mind