Gone but never forgotten


My name is chloe and im 15

its been 5 months since my nan was diagnosed with bile duct cancer and it was terminal. this news broke so many hearts. Since finding out this devastating news, she has been undergoing chemo and i can with all my heart say that she was such a strong lady.

Unfortunatley, for the past couple of days/week she has been extremly tired and ill and it breaks my heart to say that she passed away yesterday, at her home with my mum and Grandad. She died peacefully and didnt suffer which is all we could've asked for.

My nan never put herself before anyone she always thoguh of others and did what pleased them. She would give and give and give and would never ask for anything in return.

Even through this on going battle, she never cried or complained. She just got on with it. Infact, when my mum or grandad got upset she would quickly say to them "why you crying for?" :) 

she was unbelievably brave and i will never ever forget how brave and strong she was.

I love you lots nanny Annie - i'll do you proud, i promise xxx


I havent quite accepted this lost, and if anyone has any tips on how to accept it or cope with it, then i would appriciate it a lot

thank you xxx


I love you lots nan :love: