Hi all- my mum is still fighting on she's been in a hospice for 2 weeks now and is gradually getting weaker although still eating a bit, I naively thought this would be a very special time but I'm finding it really hard to cope with as she doesn't say much to me but will smile and talk with the nurses when they come into her room - I've just tried giving her her breakfast and one minute she was fine and then became really angry telling me I was rubbish and when I told her I was trying my best she said my best wasn't good enough in a really nasty way which just isn't her - i have snapped a couple of times back at her which I then feel really guilty about because I realise it's the illness. I don't want this to be my last memories of her. Part of me feels like saying goodby now and leaving her but I know I wouldn't cope with the guilt that would bring. There are times when she is really affectionate and I'm trying to hang on to these moments. I feel like I now live in two worlds because when I go to her house it feels like she s gone as I know she'll never be back there and yet I come back here and there's a bit of my old mum still hanging on my a thread. Anyone else been through this?