1 Month Without My Dad



Tomorrow will be the 1 month anniversary since I lost my best friend , my dad. I still feel upset when I think about him and the fact I can only hear his voice on a video saying 2 sentences. People say it will get easier but I don't know anymore.


Everytime I start to think about him my heart shatters and I feel broken. I try my best to stay strong, it works at school but not when i'm alone.


How will it get easier?....



  • Hi Unicorn_girl

    Sorry that you are finding it so painful to think of your dad when you are alone.

    There is a website here called riprap which is for teenagers of parents with cancer.

    You can talk to others who are going through similar experiences who are around the same age as you.

    I hope this will help you feel less alone.

    Best wishes


  • Hi I lost my Mum 8 weeks ago to lung cancer. I'm so sorry to hear about your Dad. Like you my Mum was my best friend. 1 month is a very short time, it's still very raw. Give yourself time to grieve it's good to let all your emotions out. And it helps talking to people and telling them how you feel. Things will never be how they were, but you learn to live with everything because unfortunately life has to go on. Make your Dad proud and be as strong as you can be when your ready. But honestly talking to people really does help x

  • Hi unicorn girl, I'm nearly 5 months in to losing my dad, it does get slightly easier with a bit more time. The pain is still there and the emptiness and life will never be the same again to be fair. I have 1 video of my dad skipping when we was on holiday, it makes me laugh. It's certainly easier when you are busy like school or work but when you're at home and alone you can't help but feel sad and distraught over your loss. I found that some of the more painful memories faded and the older memories came back more where he was healthy and having fun. When he first passed I had a head full of images I wouldn't wish on anyone. Take care of yourself and take the time you need to grieve. x