Loss of an adult child

I lost my beautiful kind and talented daughter to stomach cancer at the age of 26 in October 2014. I see so many posts from people who have lost parents and partners to cancer but nothing from bereaved parents. I am struggling to cope with my grief I have two other daughters who need me to be strong I am divorced and am supporting a male friend who has just had his third liver resection for secondary bowel cancer. I have days like today when I can't eat or get out of bed but I have to work full time as a primary school teacher to support myself. I would love to hear from other bereaved parents who know what I am going through

  • Hi Wendy,

    Thanks for your message, your circumstances sound awful and extremely difficult, I completely understand why it's hard to talk to your family.  Just be there for each other I think that's all anyone can do.  Thank you for your kind words, I am thinking of you and your family x

  • Hello to everyone and do very sad for all the pain I read about. I can personally respond to Sally as my daughter's ex has brainwashed her children first of all to advise me, my husband and my other daughter that we were not wanted at the scattering of Tracy's Ashes, even though we had nursed her for the last 5 weeks of her life and was with her when she passed away. When we objected he threatened to burn my other daughter's house down and it is now over two years and we have not heard from them

  • I lost my daughter 3 weeks ago.She was diagnosed with acute myeloid leukaemia. She went for a routine blood test due to joint pain.We live away from the UK mainland and by the next night she was in hospital away from home.3 weeks of chemo and tests followed andcshecwas so brave.She was told she could soon go home for a few days before more treatment.She suddenly contracted an infection and within 2cdays was in critical care on a ventilator.She died on November 26th 2017 leaving a 13 year old boy,She was divorced and had brought him up alone .I can't accept she is gone,I feel so much guilt that I couldn't protect her and that I could have given her the infection.i was a huge part of their life.My grandson is now with his father who treated my daughter very badly,I'm so frightened I will not be able to see him when I want to,his heart is broken and I'm not there.i don't think I will ever smile or laugh again.im struggling to keep going,her funeral is 2 days away .I feel my life is over


  • So much sorrow.  It is heartbreaking to read these stores of child loss.   Finleynan, don't beat yourself up about whether you gave your daughter the infection.   Your daughter's doctors considered she was okay to have a break at home and there is no reason to think that you caused the infection.  I can understand that you go over and over the events but it is unlikely that you played a part.  Have you been having contact with your son-in-law and grandson since the death?  This is not a time to replay old arguments and I am sure that you want to do the best for your grandson. That seems to be the important thing now.  You might like to talk to the Cruse bereavement service; their Freefone number is 0808 808 1677 and they are well-established in this field.  Sorry if I am sticking my nose in but I so wanted to reply to your post.


  • Annueliz you are not sticking your nose in at all,It's good not to feel so alone,my daughter didn't ever get home for a visit in the end I worry I carried something in with me.We have had contact with my ex son in law,grandson was staying with us whilst his mother was in hospital as he had little contact with his father,after her death my grandson asked for his dad so we contacted him and he does seem to be stepping up.We helped to settle them in to my daughter's home as my grandson was so desperate to go home with his stuff and his cats.i feel like I am treading on eggshells.i had a lot of contact with my daughter and grandson and she usually sought my advice on things.Now I have to be so careful. I made the mistake of saying about how my daughter used to do something and ex son in law got a bit annoyed,they were such a huge part of our lives.She was so happy this year,happily single and had a job she loves and was making so many plans with her son.Her house is a housing association property and her ex husband was still named on tenancy so moved in to lo9k after my grandson,housing association have been horrible and say they may not be able to stay.All my grandson memories of his mum are there and he just wants to stay there.Its all too much ,so much worry with all of this stuff and the costs of funeral etc.I feel unable to spend time grieving and have to pretend to be brave .I shut myself in the bathroom to cry and in bed at night,I can't sleep.I miss her so much .Thanks for your kind thoughts x

  • Thanks for your longer post.  I spent almost my entire career working for the local council managing  - over the years - all aspects of council housing management.  I would advise you and your ex-son-law to get together to put in writing a letter explaining why it is so important for your grandson to stay in his home.  Also, bear in mind that the housing association cannot force your grandson and his father to leave without a court order. If they do decide to try to evict then they will have to serve a notice saying they are going to seek possession.  That usually expires after 28 days after which they can apply to the local county court for a possession order. It will take them a few weeks to get a court date (or longer) and your son-in-law will be notified of this. If it comes to that then you should both attend the court hearing to explain your case to the judge.  County courts are not as frightening as criminal courts athough I realise all courts are frightening if you are not used to them.  In the years when I used to attend these court hearings for the council there were always people on hand to give the residents advice.  For free.  I think it unlikely they would really try to evict but you never know.  Of course if they did evict then the local council would have a legal obligation to rehouse them but that is not the issue here; your grandson needs to stay in his familiar surroundings.    So many stresses at this time; pleae look after yourself.  Feel free to ask me if you want any information about the husing and I will try to help.

    I understand that you feel you are treading on eggshells with your ex-son-in-law; this is not an easy time for anyone but you both should make an effort to keep things friendly as you both have your grandson's needs as your priority.  Once your ex-son-in-law realises that you are not deliberately giving him a hard time then hopefully things will calm down a bit.

  • I have lost my beautiful daughter aged 35 to colorectal Cancer I am so angry as she had been visiting GP with bowel related problems and time and time again been sent away as beingtoo young . By the time she was diagnosed in A and E when presenting with pain the cancer had already spread to her liver . I am overwhelmed with grief I also lost my husband to cancer 15 years ago . At the moment can’t look to the future I feel I have no future what on Earth can I do.

  • dear heather,

    I read your post with great sadness and am so sorry for the loss of your daughter.  It is the the nightmare that will never go away.  My 35 year old son died this year 19 Jan 2017, same story,many gps visits and then turned away from A and E twice, the last time his bowel was actually blocked with the tumour and we had to fight to get him back to hospital where fortunately he was finally admitted to a surgical ward and diagnosed with stage 4 colcorectal cancer and full liver mets.  This was at the end of April 2016.  He was due to marry on 15 may 2016 which he did ten days after his tumour removal and he fought so bravely until he could no longer.  I feel your pain as each day that passes reinforces the knowledge that I shall never see him again.  I think the medical profession need to wake up and realise the young people get bowel cancer, I wish i could give your words of comfort but this path we travel is a lonely one.  My two daughters have lost their beloved brother and we are all trying to learn this new life, living without him. I hope that you have friends or family to help youxxxx leslie

  • Hello, I too have lost my daughter to Bowel cancer aged 35 . I am so destraught I am unable to do anything other than cry. My husband also died of cancer aged 59.
  • Hello my daughter 46 found out last week that she had advanced liver cancer , and the prognosis is week or months . I am devastated I don't know what to say or what to do . I feel so useless Dads are suppose to know what to do . I cry when I think about her and just find it so difficult to understand what is happening .