Terrified of loosing my dad!!!!

My amazing dad, the one who always looked after me, cared for me, loved me and most definitely drove me around the bend is slowly slipping away.. he was diagnosed with terminal lung cancer (Dec 2015) and the docs said that he could have up to a year left with us.. but he's deteriorating quickly mentally and physically ill be very surprised If he makes t may!!! 

The man who I remember only a year ago was running around making sure the garden and house was all spick and span for mum, now cant even walk up the stairs... it's heart breaking!!

I am one of three girls (me 24, Katy 21, Hannah 16) all of us are having to come t terms with the fact our daddy won't even be able to see our children or give us away at our weddings!! 

Some days I just sit and cry, can't get myself out of bed and just feel like my world has just been ripped apart from me but then other days I can be fine after all I've gotta at least keep emotions at bay when I'm seeing the family..

Then I think of my mum.. My poor mum having to leave the house where theyve spend 10years of their life, she's also loosing her soul mate, the one she ment to grow old and wrinkly with ..

There so much to think about and so many contradicting emotions!! 

I apologize for the essay, it's kinda hard to stop once I get started.

  • Hi there, I'm really sorry to hear your dad has lung cancer. Is he having any treatment to try and slow it down? I'm guessing that he's not very old. I agree with all you've said and felt the same when my dad was poorly. The man that has looked after you all and always been there and then to see them so unwell is heartbreaking. Why will your mum have to leave the house? You always think of your parents getting old and grey and looking after them. I always joked with my parents saying I'm not pushing their wheelchairs on the gravel drive. It sadly wasn't to be. It's such a shock when you realise exactly how precious life is. 

  • Hey, So sorry your having to go through this. We are in the same position our mum has Stage 4 lung ca with bone mets diagnosed last year. She was once the most independant lady going running around after her grandchildren, never at home as she was shopping or at hair appointments. Now were lucky to see her awake for more than a couple of hours. We've had numerous hospital admissions after chemo made her really poorly. Shes the same can't get up the stairs unless she crawls up them. We lost my husbands dad to exactly the same disease a few years ago so its bringing all the memories back.

    Wishing you peaceful days ahead full of some memories that you can cherish. Spend as much time with him as you can, as weve realised time is very very precious xxxx

  • Hey you don't have to apologise that's what this site is for!

    Another site we often recommend is this one http://www.riprap.org.uk which is specially geared towards young people who've parents with cancer.

    What you're feeling is grief, it's early because you're seeing the symptoms in your father and thinking forwards to life without him.

    That up and down nature of it is common - I always say that grief is an ambush hunter, you're fine and then all of a sudden the remeberance of the situation jumps out on you and bam!

    Unfortunately when doctors predict how long someone will live there is a lot of variation in the time people have and for everyone who does amazingly well and outlives the prediction by months or years someone else doesn't go the distance - averages are like that.

    When you talk about your mother having to leave the house is this financial worries? Has she spoken to McMillan Cancer support? 

    http://www.macmillan.org.uk/ their number is 0808 8080000 they have a finace team there who can call and help people who have financial problems from cancer If your mum hasn't spoken to them get her to do it and see if they can offer some advice.

    I know it's a really dark time - my daughter is 22, my son 23 and my wife died in October - 5 months later they're doing well, they're surviving and getting better from it and I'm sure all of you will too   

  • Hiya, 

    Thank you for your kind words and sorry to hear for your loss.  I know what you mean my dad has osteoporosis and we used t laugh with him n take the mik outta him.. I don't see any funny side to it anymore.... My dad's 63 n decided to go for quality of life so no treatment .. unfortunately it's a mixture of reasons why mum has too move but mainly as mum is dads primary carer and has been for several years (for other medical reasons)  when he goes most of my mums income will be stopped and she'd have to go back to work but it's a 4bedroom house with a half acre garden that needs alot of attention so even if she can afford t life there, there's so much maintenance that needs doing it wouldn't be fair for her!! 

    There's so much to take into consideration if I could find a way for to stay I bloody well would !!! 


  • I'm really sorry to hear for your mum!! I agree it's so hard to watch someone so close deteriorate so quickly.. my dad decided against treatment so it's not quite so in and out of the hospital which doesn't surprise me coz he's a stubborn old git n would rather be laying in bed watching his western film (wearing his cowboy hat) with a bloody flag in his mouth!!! Bloody men !!

  • Your dad sounds fabulous, the cowboy hat and the flag made me smile.  I do admire him for deciding against treament...  My father in law has stage 4 colon with extensive mets.  He tried chemo for a year but it grew anyway and he had a lot of side effects.  For what its worth I think quality over quantity is sometimes better.  Big hug to you and your sisters/mum x

  • oh darling I know the feeling, i am going through it. dad was diagnosed with lung cancer last year and he fought it like a warrior but his poor little heart could not take it anymore and gave up on jan 30th. is the most awful feeling not being able to help them