I don't want my dad to die

My dad is only 56 and has terminal lung cancer. He was diagnosed in Sept and we never really knew the outcome. He has been through chemo, radiotherapy and now another round of chemo. He was told before Christmas that he had around two months left to live but he kept that to himself. He did tell us that it was terminal but I honestly refused to believe that it would beat him. He is currently in hospital with pneumonia and has only now told us of his prognosis. I just can't deal with it. I don't want him to die and I can't accept that he will. I think that as soon as I accept it, I have given up. He is too young. He has changed so much and it seems to have happened so suddenly. He is my dad and I don't want to lose him.  He is not a statistic, he is his own person and just can't imagine him not being here. I don't know whether people think that I'm in denial. Some days I feel quite positive and tell myself that it will all be okay in the end (after death) and some days I can't see beyond the now, the pain and suffering. I am really struggling to come to terms with it all 

  • Hi Charlotte, I'm really sorry to see your dad has terminal lung cancer. It sounds like your Dad is giving the cancer what for by having treatment so he can stay with you all for longer. You don't have to accept that he is going to die, and it doesn't mean if you do that you have given up. In all my summing up of losing my dad, I remembered that we are all dying, just at different times in life. You can never prepare yourself for losing somebody so important as your dad. I had that, where you tell yourself you'll be ok they do die, I'm not sure why we do this, I don't know. Personally I don't think you can come to terms with it (meaning me). You don't ever expect to lose a parent at such a young age, it shouldn't happen. They were suppose to get old and you look after them like they did you. I think you just have to take one day at a time, deal with every obstacle as and when you get to them. It's really hard. At the moment your dad is here on earth with you, focus on that and spend time with him as much as you can. If you need extra support or help Macmillan offer a lot of support and there are others too. I'll be thinking of you on this horrible journey.

  • Thank you so much Michelle. I don't think I will ever accept it and I am going to fight for as long as my dad does. I have only seen him once since his most recent hospitalisation a week ago as I find it heart breaking to be there. At the same time I know that he probably knows that and it's not fair on him. I actually felt better after seeing him in hospital, it reminded me that his is just my dad - illness or no illness - and he needs me. We talked about normal things and that was comforting. I'm still praying he gets better.

  • i know how it feels, i refused to believe he was gonna die, i hope he would get better, and i called mum once crying my eyes out screaming from the top of my lungs I DONT WANT MY DAD TO DIE. but despite his best efforts and all my hope he did not make it, is been only 3 weeks since he died, and i stil struggle to accpet he is not there, i think is all a lie so it does not hurt. please make sure you support him and even though it hurts put a brave face in front of him and enjoy whatever you have left with him.