nearly 2 months-pregnant

It's been 7 weeks since my dad passed away. He only found out in October and was gone by December.. Everything happened so quick and there were no signs before diagnosis. I was so close to him he was my best friend and I just feel so alone without him. I live in Ireland & he lived in Scotland but we spoke every day and now I'm lost & feeling so alone. I have a 3 year old son who keeps asking about him and it kills me but I refuse to let him se me upset abd I hold everything in infornt of people then i explode on my own. I also found out 2 weeks ago that I am 3 months pregnant which was a massive shock & I just don't know where my head is?? I am happy to have another addition to my family but it absolutly breaks my heart that my dad won't be here for that. I feel like my heart has been torn in 2 and that my head hurts all the time. I am constantly being asked how is wife is and other family members are and feel like I have to check with everyone else and that everyone assumes I will just get on with it. I really don't know how to get on with general day to day and begin to enjoy life again because I know that's what he would want me to do. It's so hard.

  • Hi there and welcome, I'm really sorry you've lost your dad! I'm 15 weeks in on this process called grieving! It's a really hard journey for sure and what has happened changes you forever. Week by week you pick yourself up a little more, a few more minutes pass where they aren't constantly on your mind. The key is to do something that will take your mind off it. I've got a part time job so I'm not sat at home missing my dad, he lived next door and I find it hard him not being at home so I had to escape. My daughter was 3 when my dad left us, she has struggled as he was her bestie. I've done nothing but cry I front of her, I can't hide the hurt I feel as I try to digest that life changes in the blink of an eye.  There are lots of people on here suffering to at the loss of a loved one. In some ways I find comfort that I'm not alone in how we feel. Take care of yourself and that growing bump inside x

  • Hi, don 't be too hard on yourself - grieving can be a long process, but you will come out of the other side.  Let yourself cry and be upset but also try to imagine what your dad would want for you,  I don't have too long myself, but I have spoken to my adult children and explained that they must get on with their lives and be happy as I have been.  In our lives we are going to lose many loved ones, I lost my husband when he was 38 and I had 3 small children, followed shortly after by my mum, dad, brother and sister.  Now apart from my children and my youngest brother,   I have no-one left.  But I have exquisite memories.

    Each day will be just a tiny bit easier, I promise.  Look after that baby, a very precious gift..