16 days from diagnosis to my mum passing away

Please help, my mum who was healthy , fit , driving , caravaning suddenly fractured her spine and was admitted to hospital with pneumonia , CT on 28 th Dec 2015 showed cancer in lung liver and spine , 16 days later she died in hospital in lots of pain, I'm a single parent of triplets and she is my world and a second mum to my girls , helping with forms , uni and advise , I'm lost , empty, shocked , we didn't even have a chance to get our heads around the fact that she had cancer and then she was gone ...

  • So sorry to hear of your mum passing away. I lost my dad on the 14th September 2015, 17 days after diagnosis. Like your mum he was admitted to hospital for something different, for a suspected bowel obstruction, and suddenly we had a diagnosis of terminal cancer. The speed of this is very hard to come to terms with and I still struggle to understand how we could have lost him so quickly. 

    Nothing can take away the pain or loss you feel right now I would just say take care of yourself and let others take care of you. Surround yourself with good friends and family and let yourself grieve.

    Almost 5 months on I am having weekly grief counselling which I find helpful. 

    Thinking of you and your family.


  • Hi Dawn

    Really sorry to hear your story.

    It's a funny thing about cancer some people battle it for years enduring all sorts and others turn up and A&E with something they think is unrelated only to get the diagnosis and succumb within days.

    It was hard enough when my wife died after 3 years to lose someone so close so quickly must be truely awful.

    You'll find the people on here are a great support but another couple of great sites are:


    http://www.cruse.org.uk who do online bereavement councilling and http://www.riprap.org.uk who specialise in helping younger people who have familly with cancer - your girls might find them helpful.


    Welcome all the same

  • Hi there, I'm so sorry you lost your mum. This is hard to deal with, I had the same. My dad had spent the last 5 years converting a barn, then the last year building a big double garage. October came and he was taken into hospital for about 12 days, he was diagnosed on 21st October with terminal cancer, no primary site but believed lungs, also spread to liver. 24th October he was gone, no goodbye, no look after your mum, no nothing, just simply gone. I spent a while telling myself it would of been easier to of known so I could of got my head around it. My dad was gone in the blink of an eye, I was sat watching strictly come dancing one minute and a couple of hours later gone! So hard to deal with and digest. One thing I always come back to though is the fact he has gone and whatever way they go, however slow or quick the main fact is he's gone and that's what hurts the most. How old are your girls? Do you have any support around to help you? 

  • Hi Michelle it was very sad to read your post  on the 18 December my husband was admitted to hospital as an emergency due to urinary track issues  he died exactly three weeks later  He was diagnosed with metastatic cancer of liver lungs pluera lymph nodes and none  Prior to being admitted he was very active looking after grand children gardening  It is quite unbelievable to me that this has happened  So I know how you are all feeling  Like your dad there was no definite diagnosis of type of cancer other than extremely aggressive  I miss him so much and keep thinking he is coming home  Take care



  • Hi Dawn deepest sympathy. My husband had a similar experience in that he died from metas tic disease three weeks after being admitted to hospital for urinary track problems. I would live to say things will get easier and I hope it does hor us both. You have lost your mum and I can only think of of how sad you must be. I know from losing my husband that I am sad unhappy and feel that things will never be the same. I have been told things will never be the same but it will be different. Take care. Look after yourself. 

  • Hi, thanks for replying. I'm sorry for your loss. They knew the type of cancer but just not the primary site, even after post mortem it was unknown but believed lungs. It was non small cell, so lives in the linings so must of been too small to show up although it was stage 4 and had spread to liver which could be seen. Today is 15 weeks without him and it's such a struggle, my poor mum, she is struggling with the loss and missing him terribly. I'm sure she thinks he'll be back also. His clothes and toothbrush are still all in their places. Did your husband have any idea that he was so unwell? My dad had hidden it from us until he could hide it no more. When he went to the doctors they told him there they thought he had cancer as could feel a growth in his liver. I always tell myself that he had a far better quality of life until October than he would of had if he'd been having treatment. x