My husband has recently died from a sarcoma. It was very quick, only 16 weeks from diagnosis till death. It's so painful and I miss him so much. Why????
My husband has recently died from a sarcoma. It was very quick, only 16 weeks from diagnosis till death. It's so painful and I miss him so much. Why????
Juliet I'm so sorry for your loss, I have no answer for you, but I know how you feel my husband passed away 11 weeks ago and it is unbearable I don't know what to do without him. You just have to get through each hour as best you can and I know that doesn't help I'm sorry xxxxxxxx
Oh Juliet I'm really sorry to hear that.
My wife died about 4 months ago - I guess about the time your husband was diagnosed.
Unlike him she managed to soldier on for 3 years and, knowing that this would be terminal did at least give me some time to adjust to the idea but it still hurts like hell - 16 weeks must just seem like yesterday.
The thing that helped me most at the time though was talking about it with anyone and eeryone who would listen - and yes retelling the story in all it's detail hurt more, twisting a knife in a recent wound. But with each retelling it got just a little easier talk to fiends and familly, talk to us talk to anyone.
You might also like to vistsit who do online bereavement councilling.
As to why - I'm sorry there isn't usualyy a why, a few people have genetic cancers, some get them from exposure to chemicals or smoking but in many many cases it's just a random event in the body that goes wrong and the body doesn't fix.
Sometimes I'm afraid bad things happen to good people - I'm so sorry it was you and your husband
Hi there, I'm sorry to hear you lost your husband. I lost my dad 13 weeks ago and I have more why's than I can deal with. We had 3 days from diagnosis to him leaving us. Life will never be the same. Life is so cruel. Take care of yourself x
Hello Juliet,
Welcome to our forum. I am so sorry to hear your husband passed away just 16 weeks after diagnosis. What a shock it must be for you.
You have come to the right place though for support. You will meet some wonderful people here who will be there to talk to you at any time.
Warmest wishes and our sincere condolences,
Lucie, Cancer Chat Moderator
Dear Juliet. I feel for you. I have similar story although my husband died approximately two weeks after diagnosis that he had cancer. No definitive cancer but medics consider on the basis of presenting information that it was likely pros tactic. He was aware of what was happening to him up until the end of his life. I question ever minute. Why did this happen. What happened. How can someone be active with cancer not know they have it then die within two weeks of diagnosis. There is no answer fiance was diagnosied with tongue cancer he had that lasered,,,,then it was a neck disection,,,a year later they did a salvage neck disection unfortunately then his neck started filling up with fluid they specialist said he did not know what the fluid was??,,,,we live on Guernsey so every procedure was delayed due to flights cancelled etc.,..this was over two years.....anyway the local hospital put a drain in his neck which was painful on the 23 october he died in my arms that this right? what happened to him i need closure on this has this happened to anyone else?
Mich, so sorry to read your post. I have questions I need answering too, I have been told to contact PALS (patient advice and liaison service) and they will investigate. Debxxxxxx
HI....thank you for replying to my post,,,to be honest was not sure whether to post or not or just leave things alone but i just cant rest until i get it straight in my head what happened to him...I hope you get your answers its an awful time eh...i will look at your posts to see what you are going through...fingers crossed we get there in the end regards and once again thank you the most help i have had since this happened!
michx x x x
Hi michdp
Welcome to Cancer Chat.
We have some information here on making a complaint about the care a loved one has received. It includes an explanation of the PALS service Deben has helpfully directed you to.
I'm so sorry about what happened to your fiance. I hope you find the answers that you need to give you closure.
Best wishes
Cancer Chat moderator
It's horrible when you feel this way. My dad died in my arms after suffering a pulmonary embolism. My question is, why wasn't he given a blood thinning agent? If you follow the NICE guidelines it says it should of been offered? I know he was going to die anyway, but he shouldn't of died like this, it was awful and an image you wish you never had.