I've lost my Dad


Sadly I lost my wonderful dad to Stomach cancer on December 20th 2015. Dad was 74 and up until 2015 had been a really fit and healthy man. In April he had an infected gallbladder that caused sepsis. After a major opperation and 2 weeks in hospital he was allowed home. Recovery was going well until a family day on August 1st 2015. Dad pulled a muscle playing rounders much to my mums annoyance as she thought he should still be taking things easy. With 10 grandchildren this was not an option for dad. After a few weeks he started hurting around his scar from his earlier op. As his leg was still playing him up he went to the doctors. They sent him for a scan to see if he had damaged his scar internally. Sadly they found tumours on his liver.

After various hospital appointments, biopsies, endoscopy, heart scan and Ct scans. We discovered he had stomach aacarcenoma  which had spread to lymph nodes and his liver. On 13th October we were told he had 2 months to live.  I attended every appointment with my parents and nothing prepares you to hear the words that someone you love has terminal cancer.

I have 3 brothers and we are a relatively close family in distance and emotionally. Despite the shock and utter despair at the thought of losing our beloved dad we decided to achieve dads bucket list. We managed a few days away in Cornwall . We couldn't arrange for all 20 of us to go so decided it would be the 4 siblings and mum and dad. I can honestly say we had a fantastic time and cherish those memories of being with dad. We managed a firework display at my parents with all 20 of us. Sadly shortly after this dad deteriorated quickly. I took the last 3 weeks of dad's live off work. I . Dad wanted to pass away at home and he got his wish.. Dad was surrounded by his 4 children and our mum. Dad was unrecognisable as he had lost so much weight.ght. Dad's passing was as good as could be expected for the type of cancer he had.

We got through Christmas, surrounding mum with the grandchildren certainly helped. We buried Dad on 6th Jan and it was a beautiful service. The church was packed and as so many people came to say goodbye. Dad didn't realise how many people he made an impact on. Now the reality is setting in that we have to live our lives without dad. I just miss my dad so much . Being the only daughter I had a really special bond with dad. My only child who is a girl also had a really close bond with dad. I've never known pain like this. Despite dealing with everything head on I still can't believe he is no longer here. I'm completing my first marathon in April. When I booked it I had no charity in mind to raise money for. Dad wasn't Ill then. Now I have to run it, to help raise funds for cancer research and Marrie Currie. I hate being in this club as I never asked to join it.i feel guilty every time I leave my mum alone in their house. She has lots of family and friends around her but at the end of the day she is now on her own. I'm fine during the day but come the evening I just sob my heart out. Not sleeping great either. I know it's early days but I just feel so desperately sad. My dad was my hero.


  • Hi Becks

    Sorry for the loss of your dad. There are others here who will understand how you are feeling now. I hope that sharing your feelings with other Cancer Chat members who have lost loved ones will help at this difficult time.

    Good luck with your marathon and thank you for running to fundraise for charities, including for Cancer Research UK.

    Please let us know how you are getting on,



    Hi Becks, I feel your pain. I lost my dad on 24th October 2015. We were very close, he was my friend, dad and neighbour. Every day my heart breaks with him not being here. Nothing can prepare you for the pain you feel. Every day my daughter asks about her grandad. Today she told me she thinks about him every morning and at night and how she wanted him at her 4th birthday party that was yesterday. Every time she says something my heart breaks a bit more as she struggles to understand. 

    I know what you mean about those appointments. I went with my parents to see the consultant and dad didn't want to hear anything like that. I stayed in the room afterwards to look at the scan and ask more questions as my sister lives in Australia, you never want to hear those words but he said she should come sooner rather than later. My dad died at home a few days later in my arms aged just 64. Nothing about it was peaceful and I gave him cor to try and save him. The love I have for my dad is enormous. My heart has been truly broken along with my mums who is left behind. However we can understand (nearly) but my daughter cannot understand how her bestie can be here one minute and gone the next. We only had 22 days from him admitting he was poorly to a massive deterioration and passing. Dads are so special when you're a girl. Sending you lots of love on this horrible journey you are on xxx




    Thank you for replying Michelle. It so sad to hear you have experienced losing your dad too. It is an unbearable pain that just stays in the pit of my stomach. I think about dad every day and hate this feeling of emptiness. 

    My daughter, like yours, had a birthday recently. It was 4th Jan and she turned 12. Every year we have always celebrated with a birthday dinner with both sets of grandparents. This year was to be the year everything changed. My daughter was it really up for celebrating her birthday so it was just the 3 of us at home. It breaks my heart that my daughter misses her grandad so much. She broke down completely at the funeral which was a long time coming. She had been so adamant that her grandad would live to see Christmas and her birthday. We had been totally honest with her though out but she convinced herself he wouldn't die. I wished and wished it wasn't true but sadly it was. I feel so overwhelmed most of the time. I also feel that in the 3 weeks since dad has passed I've had to deal with our first Christmas without dad and my daughters birthday. I really wish I could shut myself away but sadly I have people relying on me to get up and be normal! I'm lucky I do have lots of friends and family checking up on me. Do you have lots of support? 


  • Hi, I have support but they my mum (next door) and partner go to work. Then it's just me and the kids, no dad to wave at out the window or chat with. In the 12 weeks he's been gone, he's missed his 65th birthday, my mums birthday, Christmas Day, his 42nd wedding anniversary and my daughters birthday. They've all came at once. Christmas wasn't so bad as I just thought it's just another painful day without him. Reading your words last night had me in tears as I know your pain. Until you e been there yourself you'll never know the pain. I worry about my mum being alone as well, I know she struggles with the empty house. We both struggle to get our head around things as we have lots of unanswered questions. We find ourselves looking at photos and wondering if he knew he had cancer when it was taken and why he didn't tell anyone and seek help. I also go over how heartbroken he would of been knowing he was leaving us all behind and that cuts like a knife... Life is so precious and can change in a blink of an eye. 

    Look after yourself x

  • Hi ladies .. I lost my Mum the day before Christmas and the funeral was yesterday so I understand how you feel.  We had a marvellous service and I know my Mother would have approved but now that everyone has gone home it seems strange .... it's as if the last 3 weeks haven't occured.

    I struggle with the finality of it all ....... at the moment it's as i f she's popped off for a short holiday - I can believe that I will never see her again, she was one of the few people that called me on the landline - now it won't ring and we always used to have a long conversation on a Sunday evening.

    The pain almost feels physical - this weekend we are emptying her flat and the keys go back to the landlord ... it seems so odd to go through her things :  I can almost hear her saying "don't you make my cupboards untidy" - it almost seems like an invasion of privacy to go through her stuff ...... 

    All we can hope is that in time we will forget the horrid pain they were in and remember all the good times.  
