Goodbye mum

Sadly my wonderful mum lost her battle with cancer today 8 weeks after diagnosis. I am devastated and numb. I'm finding it hard trying to think where mum is now as I don't have any strong faiths or beliefs any thoughts would be greatly appreciated. I would like to thank everyone on here for all your amazing support over the past difficult weeks. You have all been amazing and helped me through one of the worst times of my life. Thank you to everyone. Tilly xxxx



    My dear Tilly ...... I am so very sorry to hear that your Mum has passed away.  It is clear that you are a very caring person and I know your lovely Mum would have appreciated every second she spent with you and all the effort you made to be with her as much as you could.  A Mum/Daughter relationship is a truly special thing.

    Please keep in touch and know that we are all still here to support you through the coming months.  Sending you my love - take care of yourself and your lovely boys x


  • Dear Tilly

    My thoughts are with you and your family at this heartbreaking time. I do not have strong belief's myself but found comfort in believing that I carry those I have loved and lost in my heart always.  Early grief for me was emotionally draining and please be kind to yourself and give those boys lots of cuddles for they will help you through, though it will not feel that way just now. Always remember you did you absolute best for your Mum and your boys and come to the forum as and when you feel the need for added support. Peace and hugs.  Jules x

  • Hello Tilly28,

    We are sorry to hear the sad news that your mum has passed away only 8 weeks after diagnosis.

    I am glad this forum has brought you great support when you needed it the most. As Max and Jules said, we are all still here for you any time you need to talk.

    Our sincere condolences from all of us at Cancer Chat and a big hug,

    Lucie, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Thank you Max so much. I will always be thinking of you look after yourself. We are devastated beyond words and feel very sad but hope time brings us some peace. Lots of love always Tilly xxxx

  • Thank you Jules you have been amazing support and I'm thinking if you. We are numb with grief but hope time heals the massive hole in our hearts that mum has left. I still worry where she is now but at least she is at peace. Take care speak soon Tilly xxxx

  • Thank you Lucie what an amazing site with inspirational people and wonderful support I must say your chat has got me through some of my darkest days I am eternally grateful. I will be back on soon and keep you updated how things are lots of love Tilly xxxx

  • I'm really sorry to hear that Tilly - I hope you got some real quality time with her in those last weeks.

    The feelings of these first days will be really intense and you may find yourself  drawn into thinking about painful subjects - try not to dwell on them. again you may find yourself thinking - I should have done this or that differently or better - put those out of your mind they're natural but not productive.

    I'm not a religous person either, I tend to think of life after death like life before birth but others will have other ideas.

    I think you'll find that these days will be hard and there will be a lot of fucus up to the funeral and then everyone will go back to their lives and you may feel a second low then, a real "what now?" sort of feeling. Be ready for that when it comes and come on and talk to us if it does


    Best of luck
