Lost :(

Hello everyone, not sure whether anyone has seen any of my previous posts but I lost my Dad (who would've been 48 in July) in May this year from Bowel & Lung cancer which eventually spread everywhere around his body. I am nearly 19 and live at our house with my older sister who is 22, I'm having a really *** time recently I have a job and am getting through day to day life by the skin of my teeth. It seems that I can go for days sometimes weeks and I feel okayish, then suddenly without any trigger I am suddenly overwhelmed with sadness and it ruins my whole day, I am unable to work, speak even function, on these days I mainly sleep off my sadness or i'll sit and cry for hours. I know I can accept the fact that my dad is no longer with me but being able to function without him I'm struggling with, I'm not sure whether any of this makes any sense but I don't know what else to do. I'm not really one for sitting down and talking about my feelings so this is a big step for me.

  • Hi Amy

    Yes, it makes lots on sense.

    Now I'm no expert in this but some of what you describe ( especially the sudden onset and inability to function ) sounds a bit like clinical depression and I wonder if your fathers death may have triggered that in you.

    Does any of this sound familliar?


    If so maybe you might think about going to your GP to talk about it.

    If you cant face the thought of that have you heard of "Cruse"?


    They do bereavement support and councilling by phone or even by email they may be able to help too.



  • Hi there.

    Lost my mum 10 weeks ago and dad 9 years ago. Know how you feel, as I have tears in my eyes now.

    Mums presence filled the house. So Im lost too.

    Going for counselling in new year Maybe that would help you.

  • I am sorry for your loss, I lost my Dad over two weeks ago and it's been hard! I seem to be going through all kinds of emotions, sadness, denial, guilt, anger and more sadness. I'm on autopilot at work and just wish I could stay in bed on some days. 

    As the above have mentioned it might be worth talking to someone.