My beloved father is gone

I never imagained in a million years that I will end the year without my father! We were so close and I loved him very much. It is still a shock that he is gone and sometimes I think he will walk throught the door at any moment. 3 weeks ago he was going out and about, the picture of health (he had bladder cancer but that seemed under control) a week later he starting losing his appetite, feeling weak and breatheless. His breathing became worse so he went to the hospital, the Docs found that he had pneumonia, lung embolism and the cancer had spread to his lungs. They wouldn't do chemo because he was too ill, they gave him antibiotics, blood thinners and Oxygen. The doc plus 6 of his team crowded my father's hospital bed to tell him sorry it's really bad, prepare for the worse but hope for the best, that killed my Dad's spirit! A couple of weeks later he died, hated watching him steadily decline. My emotions are all over the place, I cry uncontrollable at various times of the day, I feel guilty for not always being there for him, I feel sad, I feel angry and just want to scream. I hate seeing other people with their fathers (not nice of me I know) as think why was mine taken. His first grandchild (from my brother) was due next year, he will never get to see him, he was so looking forward to being a Grandfather and another brother was getting married. People are coming round from morning to night to pay their respects so get no break and it's heartbreaking seeing my Mother cry. I am so worried about her.

I don't know how I'm going to get through this, think I may need something to help me sleep and calm myself.

  • Hi Nelly-O

    Sorry for the loss of your father.

    I hope you will find it helpful to come and chat to others who have lost loved ones to cancer.

    Best wishes to you and your family at this difficult time,



  • Hi Nelly-O, My heart goes out to you, this is a similar story to my losing my husband last week. After all the treatment he had during the year we really thought he would see his favourite time of year - Christmas. It wasn't to be. I too feel guilty that I couldn't help him at the end. Scream if you want, I did, I bash my fists on furniture, and cry a lot of the time too, not just cry but sob. 

    Have you got a good GP, go to see him/her they could probably help you get over the worst few days/weeks, anything that may help you.  I hope you can find some strength to see you through, my thoughts and prayers are with you.



  • Hi, Nelly, so sorry to hear of the loss of your father.   I know how awful it is to lose parents, and however old you are you still feel like a child and need them when they are gone.  I know it is very raw at the moment and only time can heal but you just have to cry if you need to and let your grief go.  Your mum and yourself can be a great comfort to each other and she will need you too.

    The medics can sometimes be unthinking and uncaringin the way they treat patients and their relatives - I have been on the end of their ill founded words with my relatives.  I suppose they see it all the time and quite frequently become immune to the pain we feel.  Nothing I can say will help with your grief but I promise time will soften the edges. x

  • Hi Nelly-o ..... I am so very sorry to hear about your Dad's passing and my heart goes out to you and your family.  I hope you don't mind me prompting this but there is another person joined the forum today having lost their Mum - they too are feeling completely lost with it all.   I wondered if it may help you both to get in touch?  Their name is Minchind and the subject is called 'I can't understand how to grieve' - you could maybe post on the thread to make contact if you would like.

    I so hope that you find support with us on the forum. I have made some lovely friends here and hope you do too.  Please let us know how you are doing. Sending love x

  • Hi Nelly-O,

    I am so very very sorry that your darling Dad is gone - it is so hard. X

  • Good morning Nelly-O,

    My heart goes out to you as I too lost my dad 8 weeks ago. This wasn't because of cancer though, he went into hospital for routine surgery and 2 days later when we should of been bringing him home there were complications and he died suddenly. The reason I am now chatting to people on this forum is because my mum has been diagnosed with breast cancer this Thursday!

    Life can be so cruel and you feel like you are being punished. I have been through the emotions your feeling, the sobbing, the screaming, the utter feeling of emptiness. You need to let it all out.

    Your mum will surprise you by being strong but it will take time. I never thought my mum would stop crying and would not be ableto cope as her and my dad were joined at the hip, but she has surprised us all and now, being diagnosed with breast cancer she keeps going.

    Stay strong and keep in touch.




  • Kassie, I am sorry about the loss of your husband! No time of year is good to lose someone but Christmas sometimes makes it feel worse as it’s so family centred, it’s when everyone gets together and celebrates, I hope you too find the strength to get through this. I hope you have supportive relatives that you can turn too.

    Pauline, thanks! I guess the medics see so many patients in similar circumstances that they have to remain detached for sanity sake feedback once my emotions are more under control

    Max, Dunanat – Thank you

    Kay, sorry for your loss, it’s hard thinking about life without Dad but some day the pain won’t hurt so much. I am also sorry to hear about your Mum, I pray that she beats this! I can’t imagine how she is copying with losing her husband and now battling cancer. Life can seem to unfair at times