i lost my mum to breast cancer 3 weeks ago. She was diagnosed in August had a masectomy on 1st Setember and shortly after she was told that as far as they could tell her cancer had gone along with the breast. She was doing well for about a month then started to lose sensation in her right arm and become confused. After more tests we were told that the cancer had spread to her brain, lungs and kidney. It wasn't curable but it was treatable. 4 weeks later my lovely mum passed away. She rapidly went downhill in the space of 4 days. It seems so unfair that we didn't have more time with her or time to accept what was happening. I still don't think I have come to terms with it. My heart is breaking for my poor dad too, they had recently retired and had so many plans. I'd welcome any advice as to how to deal with it all as I just feel numb and lost at the minute.