My mum died 3 weeks ago

My mum died three weeks ago, 4.5 months after being diagnosed with cancer. She was only 67 and I’m 35. She was diagnosed during an emergency operation, and the surgeon called me in to tell me to say goodbye to her there and then as they didn’t expect her to get through the operation and survive that weekend (it had started as cervical cancer but had spread everywhere by the time they found it.) So it all started with the biggest shock of my life...She beat the odds to go on for another 4 months but for the last 2 months at least she was suffering a lot which was incredibly hard to watch. She was constantly in pain and being sick, lost a lot of weight (and was only 7 stone to begin with), but she was so brave and stoic and said to me “we just have to go with it”. It took weeks for her body to shut down completely and the doctors were very surprised, but it wasn’t a good thing, as she had absolutely no quality of life, just suffering and it was very hard for me to watch her go through that and for me to spend so much time at the hospice. I think those few weeks were the hardest thing I’ve ever been through and I still feel drained from watching her die like that. I was also with her, along with my brother, the night she passed away. It felt like a shock, even though I knew it was coming, it’s like I hadn’t fully realised she actually wouldn’t be here – it all feels so final. The last couple of weeks I've been busy arranging the funeral and with practicalities, applying for probate etc, and now 3 weeks later and I’m back at work and day to day life carries on as normal, I’m feeling a big sense of loss and dreaming about her a lot. It’s such a painful feeling. I’m also trying to support my 5 year old twins through it as they were very close to their granny..but feels like I haven’t been doing a very good job of helping them so far as I’m struggling to get myself through it...I’d be grateful for any insights into getting through it all. Thanks.

  • Hi Robyn79

    Sorry for the loss of your mum.

    I hope you will find it helpful to come here and talk to others affected by cancer.

    We have some information here on talking to children about this difficult subject.

    I hope it is helpful to you,

    Best wishes



  • Aw Robyn

    Sounds really tough to have gone through such a shock diagnosis and sudden decline.


    My wife died 6 weeks ago and we had 3 years to see it coming - we always knew her cancer wasn't one of those you get to walk away from.


    I'd have to agree that this is a really tough time after the flurry of the funeral and familly and friends you find yourself back to trying to revert to a normal life with a big hole there.

    I'm afraid I can't offer much advice about helping children come to terms with it - mine are in their twenties (and its hard enough for them)

    I can offer you my own experiences of grief:

    1/ Don't beat yourself up - seems many of us obsess over the "what ifs" its natural but deeply counter productive - don't engage with that little voice saying "If only" because it only causes you pain.

    2/ Talk to people - tell the story, I did this after my wife died. I went to all of her friends and told them of Melanies last days - it hurt like mad and the first times I cried like crazy but with every retelling it became a little easier. Talking about it doesn't so much help you work it out - it does innoculate you a bit against the pain of the memories.

    3/ Grief is an ambush hunter.You will start to get some normality back in your life then all of a sudden it'll hit you without warning or you'll think - "Oh I must tell....oh yes right!" but again it will become less frequent

    All the cliches are right - It would really seem the most natural thing in the world if my wife were to walk in the door this evening - I'll bet you feel the same about your Mum. The idea that they aren't anywhere is so completely strange - that they're not on some distant part of the country or even on some country on the other side of the planet seems somehow impossible.


    How to get through it? I recommend the 3 Ts

    Time - Talk  - Tea (lots of Tea)




    Best of Luck
