Lost my mum yesterday

I feel so numb!

We lost our beautiful mum yesterday morning,            she lost her fight from pancreatic cancer only 5 weeks from diagnosis!! She was only 56! Just feels so surreal, that it hasn't really happened? Had to tell my 4 year old daughter that she wouldn't see nanny anymore, which was heart breaking!

Just need some supportive words as this is the hardest thing!just want my mum back ♡

  • Yep makes total sense.

    I think most of us who have lost someone close will recognise this. There's the big fuss from friends and more distant relatives who are all brilliant, There's the funeral and then almost everybody goes back to their lives. Not quite as if nothing had happened but it seems that way sometimes.

    Hopefully you've some good close friends and familly that will recognise this and be there for you and will understand that this is actually one of the most difficult times.

    Best of luck 

  • Hi Roxie I am sorry to hear about your mom. 5 weeks is such a short time to try to come to terms with what is happening. My Husband made it 1 year from being diagnosed with the same cancer. He was 62 when he passed away this past August. So it has been 3 months and it is still so raw. I miss him every minute of every day. I work full time but that only provides a distraction for awhile. What I am learning is that I need to focus on the present and not look too far ahead as it becomes too overwhelming. I was fortunate to have some time so I have no regrets. Everything was said that needed to be said. Just know that you are in my thoughts and if you do need to talk this is a good place to start.


  • Hi Roxie

    I lost my mum 3 weeks ago to breast cancer. She was diagnosed in August, had a masectomy 1st September and about 7 weeks ago we were told the cancer had spread to her kidney, lungs and brain. She lasted 4 weeks after that and I still can't get my head around it and how quickly it spread and claimed the life of my lovely mum. She was 64, would have been 65 on Boxing Day this year.

    Christmas is going to be so, so difficult. I know  how you are feeling right now. I'm still numb and not sure if it had really hit home with me yet. Feel so sorry for my wee dad

  • So sorry for your loss! It's so hard losing someone you love, I lost my Dad earlier this week and I still can''t believe he is gone! So emotional right now!! I pray we both have the strength to get through this, just try to take each day as it comes along for now. 

  • Hi Roxie - I just want to say that I think you are coping brilliantly - you are being so strong.  Perhaps a private space and time to cry/scream/shout is important?  It will all be very practical now re arrangements for funeral and I found that the time when I lost the plot - my anger kicked in as I felt the essence of Mum was reduced to schedules and protocol.  So -  arrange all to suit you, your family and your 4 year old daughter.  Thinking of you Sian


     God bless your mother and my mother 



    I  sorry to hear about your loss,  me myself I have lost my mother  two days ago,  she had breast cancer bone cancer,  bone cancer are killed her after a long fight,  she was very prove,  she was always smiley and always thanking the Lord for everything,  my mum was a worrier,  and I'm sure your mum where is wall,  keep strong I'm sure your mother and my mother are in a better place, people who suffer on earth with a very bad disease, The Lord promised to look after them after death,  A promise that they will rest in peace, me myself I was trying to remember my mum with all the good things.

     I have started to write  Messages from my mother and read them to her.


    She was dear to my heart, death cannot take us apart, she was like diamond with shine, yes she is my mother she is mine. 
    I used to wake up every morning and call her, she was like a queen to me I told her. 
    I always wanted her to be happy, when she is gone I felt creepy. I will always miss you mum without you my life is gone. 
    My mother was the best person I ever met and seen, having her in my life was like living the perfect dream. I can't wait until I see you again, heaven it is the place we will be with each other's again.
    i promise that I will be the best son I can, it's inside me it's something I planed. 

     I love you mum.