Well that's the time gone since my mother died from bowel cancer,I'm still lost both my brother and I go to her house and still expect her to be there. The one thing we both are struggling with still is not that she's gone,although that's hard enough,but how she died, I watch the TVs and they say we have best palliative care,I'm sure some do but why didn't my mother receive this why did she have to suffer so why did we get next to no help ,my brother had to go to 3 pharmacies to get morphine for pump driver because they didn't dispense and no one could give us the info,. I m so bloody angry I want to scream but mainly I cry and I want to sit with her doctor,district nurses and McMillan and ask why don't you care why didn't you help us. I don't think I will ever be"me"again because off what I saw and had to do, I'm rambling again!