At the beginning of July I watched my dad pass away after a short battle with cancer. He was young and healthy until February when we got the news he had a rare form of bile duct cancer and that it was terminal. It was the most horrendous time watching him grow weaker and not being able to help. I sleep fine but when my mind isn't busy for even a second I remember that time and when he died and its horrible. I've started missing him more, to begin it was like he was away at work or on holiday, except everyone else was still here. Sometimes I forget and for a second it's as if he's still here but then I remember. It just doesn't feel real. My mum is struggling silently. She's lonely without him and spent the last 5 months looking after him and being with him every day. We don't really talk about it as everyone's dealing with it differently but my mum doesn't even want to see the one or two friends becuase she's taking things day by day. But I don't want her to be lonely and I don't want her to rely on me or my siblings to be there all the time. Is there anyone else that feels like this or can give me advice.