I feel worse at the weekend

Hello again. My husband died 10 weeks ago &, although we were retired, I always seem to be more weepy & fed-up at the weekend. There seems to be a different atmosphere, maybe more people about because they're not at work & the sound of families in their gardens. Does anyone else feel like this?

  • Hi again Ange

    I was indeed relieved to see the back of most of the paperwork (I could not face dealing with Probate myself and so its in the hands of a solicitor) - still odds and ends to see to as regards pensions but that is all beginning to come together too. I think it was more a case of keeping myself occupied.  When hubby was well he travelled away on business fairly regularly but that was temporary and I miss the 'off the cuff' chit chat - getting there though. I am indeed fortunate that my daughter and family live a short walk away and my son and girlfriend just a few miles away but do want them to have their own lives and not be worrying about me as they are also grieiving the loss of a loving Dad/Grandad. Will, however, be spending time with all of them this weekend as it will be my first birthday without hubby to celebrate with.

    One day at a time and I do agree that the forum is a supportive place to chat. Take care.Jules