I need some help I just can't get my head around the fact my grandma was diagnosed with stage four lung cancer the day she passed away!! Why was it never spotted before this and when did stage one start? I feel very robbed at the fact we never knew and she passed so suddenly x
She had been admitted the week before with fluid on her lungs And has three litres drained and on the Thursday before she passed she was admitted to hospitals to have more removed under anesthetiser (well that's what she told the family later came out she was having a biopsy but no one thought they'd inform the immediate family) so she came home Thursday and didn't move from her bed till she was taken to hospital Saturday morning because she basically never woke up Saturday morning she was unconscious and my poor grandad couldn't wake her and she passed away peacefully Saturday afternoon with her three children and husband around her! This was a 5 weeks ago now and I just can't believe one minute this beautiful vibrant lady was loving life just bee away to Spain in May for birthday to have passed away a month later I'm devastated and don't know what to do :(