Loss of my grandma ❤︎

I need some help I just can't get my head around the fact my grandma was diagnosed with stage four lung cancer the day she passed away!! Why was it never spotted before this and when did stage one start? I feel very robbed at the fact we never knew and she passed so suddenly x

She had been admitted the week before with fluid on her lungs And has three litres drained and on the Thursday before she passed she was admitted to hospitals to have more removed under anesthetiser (well that's what she told the family later came out she was having a biopsy but no one thought they'd inform the immediate family) so she came home Thursday and didn't move from her bed till she was taken to hospital Saturday morning because she basically never woke up Saturday morning she was unconscious and my poor grandad couldn't wake her and she passed away peacefully Saturday afternoon with her three children and husband around her! This was a 5 weeks ago now and I just can't believe one minute this beautiful vibrant lady was loving life just bee away to Spain in May for birthday to have passed away a month later I'm devastated and don't know what to do :(




  • dear jadeamy i know how angry you must feel, my mum died of ovarian cancer last december she only lasted three weeks in hospital , she was diagnosed late stage four, did not know she had it untill she started to be sick and was in bed at home for two weeks feeling sick and could not keep anything thing down, while in hospital she could not move of the bed and was sick everyday with pain they drained four lite bags of that horrible brown fluid stuff which in the end  was full of cancer cells, and they could not offer any treatment because it had already spread up to her neck, mum was already in remission from breast cancel since 2011 but it seems even early treatment does not seem to stop cancer coming back elsewhere, and as far as i know they have not found any early detection test for ovarian cancer yet and they state you do not get any symptoms untill the cancer has advanced, which by then its to late, i heard they call it a silent killer, and there excuse his that it is hard to detect in the early stages because sumptoms are vague, i think top myself what the hell is going on and why are they not getting a early dectection sorted out, because more lives are going to be lost, i remember mum was only getting a chest xray after her operation every year and  i thought why was it that she was not offered a bodyscan , believe you me they is some big failures, like you said why was not your grans lungs cancer spotted in stage one, questions do have to be asked, eight months on it still feels raw of losing mum and feel angry. it will take time but hope  you can pull through it like i am trying to do, take care oggi