Looking for a lasting memento of my dad. Can anyone help?

I lost my dad to colon canceron Saturday 11th April and he's currently in the chapel of rest and I would really like something to remember him by, I know there are jewellery items that I can get his hand print done on them, I just wondered if anyone knows of any service where I could have some treasured personalised item such as the hand/finger print or anything else.

Thank you


  • Hi

    Thought I would just drop you a reply to welcome you to this friendly forum. I am not aware of any specific personalisation services for y ou to contact but wonder, if you were to speak to the funeral directors where your Dad is in the chapel of rest, they might be better informed.  On a purely personal level I am aware of a friend who  kept a lock of hair in her locket which came from someone she had loved and lost.

     Do come and chat  on the forum again if you would like to chat to others who are well aware of the emotions that have to be gone through after such a loss..  Wishing you and your family peace at this time.Jules54

  • My dad passed on Sunday and am looking at getting a charm bracelet with his pictures on. They do some on Amazon or other places like esty. 

    Good luck and best wishes

  • I know this post was back from April but for future enquiries, you can have silver finger print jewellery made. You would need to make a cast of the deceased person's finger (the funeral staff would do this for you) and then you can have anything made from it, cuff links, bracelet, necklace, ring etc.