My dad died from pancreatic cancer 5 weeks ago

My dad died 5 weeks ago from pancreatic cancer, he was diagnosed only 5 and half months before he died. Everything went so quickly, one minute everything was perfect and less than half a year later he's gone. Im 15 years old and I'm really struggling; I thought I'd make a post just to talk to anyone in a similar situation to see how you cope with it 



  • Hello anonymous1234

    I'm so sorry to hear the news about your Dad. Understandly this must be a very difficult time for you. 

    I wanted to let you know that there is a website call RipRap which I have linked for you here that is a website for young people who have a parent that has cancer. I'm sure that you would be able to make contact with other young people here who have lost a parent. 

    We do also have a team of nurses here at Cancer Research and if you would like to chat to one of them please do give them a call. They are available Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm on 0808 800 4040 (free from a UK landline and most mobile networks). 

    Thinking of you at this difficult time, 
    Cancer Chat moderator

  • I am so sorry to hear about your dads passing, I lost my dad very recently also having only being diagnosed with pancreatic cancer less than 3 weeks before to his death. 

    Nothing can prepare you in life to loose such a special piece of you, my dad was my hero and I feel completely lost knowing he is not around anymore, but I am thankful he is not in any pain anymore and although way too quick I am also glad he didn't go through painful treatment and we all had to watch him deteriorate from the strong, independent man that he was.

    Take comfort in knowing he is at peace now and that although you cannot see him he will always be by your side and continue being proud of you like I am sure he always was. X