One month since my Dad died, not coping

Hi everyone,

One month ago, after 15 months of treatment and ops my amazing Dad passed. We were told he was terminal 3 month before but the doctors were still telling us he had more time. The doctor daw my Dad 2 days before he died and said how small the tumor was he expected my dad still had months. Because of this we were all shocked when it happend. It was quick which is as kind as it could have been for him, but as selfish as it is, it ment that i diddnt get to say a lst good bye and im finding tht really hard to deal with.

I'm finding it really hard to get on and do normal things, no we've had the memorial it feels like were expected tp just get back to our lives. Everything feels really sereal. My mums really not doing very well atall and i dont know how i can help her. It hasnt really sunk in for  my little brrother and sister, 7 and 8 (im 16) and i think there probably just to young to comprehend it. I really dont know what were suppost to be doing, nothing feels okay anymore. Im changin between feeling angry (with anyone for no reason) or just being compleatly devistated and just staying in bed, i never understood when people would say they were hurting, but i compleatly do now, my body physical hurts sometime.  How long does it take before some sence of normality because i dont know how much longer we can all go on like this.

Sorry for the long ramble, but needed to get stuff of my chest.

  • Hi there, I'm really sorry to see you lost your Dad. Week 5 I was at my absolute lowest point on this journey, I had 'broken heart syndrome' and really high blood pressure when I went to the doctors. I cried every day till week 11 then managed just the one day without tears. I think you have to hit rock bottom and then start to rise again. My friend kept telling me that my dad is all around me and she was right he is but it took me 4 months or so to be able to see it.  I never got to say goodbye to my dad properly, I then spent weeks looking to see if I could find a letter he might of written me, but nothing!!! I'm 5 months into this horrible journey and still cry every day and struggle with what has happened. My dad fell ill and passed away within 3-4 weeks and had only been diagnosed 3 days before he passed, this is where my head really struggles to digest things. I think all of your feelings are perfectly normal and the only thing that heals is time. All that said the new life you have is still painful. At some point the good images come back rather than the images you are left with when they leave. 

    Sending you all a group hug, who knows what it's like to loose a precious person to this horrible horrible disease xxx

  • Hey I too am new to this forum I lost my lovely dad 5 weeks ago we didn't know anything was wrong till a week before he died maybe we should have picked up on signs but my dad was very private the pain we all feeling is I don't know how to describe it but you not alone we feel your loss it's horrible I'm going away this weekend and taking my heartbroken mum with me things do get easier we all grieve in our own time but we carnt wait to get away that probably sounds bad but an enviroment which didn't include my dad we will still think of him all the time but allow ourselves to get on with a more normal week somewhere away from memories hope this helps you in any way and remember you not on your own

  • Hi gosh you are so young to be dealing with this and I'm so sorry that you are ...I'm 52 and have recently lost my beloved pops to lung cancer (rare type never smoked in his life we were told it was just bad luck!!!!)it's been a month now and actually feels worse now as very final I am supporting my poor mum through this as she looks like she has lost half of herself...all I can say is  take one day at a time ..some days I can hardly breath I feel so sad and angry and then other days one of my kids or something will make me laugh and I feel alive's too early in the grieving process to try and make sense of it but what ever little thing you mange congratulate yourself and on the crap days go with it and cry if you need to its not a bad thing for your family to see you upset it's perfectly normal to you 

  • Extremely new to this forum. 

    My dad got diagnosed 2+ years ago terminally but decided he didn't want it broadcasted. In fact, as far as I know, only him and my mum knew about it. The morning it happened, I believed we were being raided (law enforcement family) it was only immediately afterwards we (my brother and I) found out. I haven't felt upset at all, because it happened at home, and the time he passed,  had he been in a hospice, we wouldn't have known till later in the day. (this sounds weird but it's a kind of solace)...I also keep a passport photo in my warrant wallet which I like sitting and looking at sometimes to remind me of what he looked like well.

    I don't want to comment on your individual case, but although certain things may trigger flashbacks etc or memories, be sure to talk about them to people. Focus on positives, have a laugh at memories and remember, they might not be there physically BUT they'll always be in your heart. 

    It won't disappear completely ever, but it does get easier, I promise you x

  • I understand what you are feeling completely. My dad just passed away 3 weeks ago to brain cancer and it was really fast and not even expected. It went from having bladder cancer last October and going through chemo and completely removing all cancer to getting a lump on the left side of his head in June and having one set of radiation to 3 weeks later having a blood clot on his lung, a lesion on his liver, he couldn't walk or talk, he swelled up to 3 times his normal size, and finally ending all his pain and suffering on 27 August not even 10 months after finding the bladder cancer. He was 61 years old. I am also struggling with this just like you are and I find it comforting to know I'm not alone and that there are people feeling the way I do because I sometimes feel like I can't go on and I really can't believe how hard this is and how much it hurts to loose a parent this way. So I do understand how you are feeling and would love to keep in touch with you and hopefully be available as a support to you. I hope that you don't mind. Thanks for listening xoxo

  • Hi everyone I'm new to this so don't really know what to say except for realising I'm not the only one who is heartbroken. I am 52 years old and up until 3 weeks before my Dad .... (sorry still cannot say the word) in April 2014 he was a very active lively 78 year old. Picking grandchildren and great grandchildren up from school, running around after them and all the family painting, climbing ladders etc. He was my hero. I saw him or spoke to him and my mum every day as we live in the same town I saw them at least twice a week usually more. My Dad was the one I would ring if I needed anything at all from being picked up from somewhere to DIY to telling him if I had any problems. My husband even comes second to him. I still cannot believe it and cry every day I have had counselling, am on anti depressants and sleeping tablets. The pain is unbearable and sometimes like all of you I feel I can't go on. I'm so glad I found this site and hope we can all help each other. Thank you for taking the time to read my post. Thinking of all of us who have lost our darling Dad's and hope we can keep in touch 



  • Hi I lost my mum to cervical cancer when I was 10 I'm 43 now and have gone through every emotion possible but it's so hard
  • Hi there my name is Louise and I went through this almost 2 months ago now. My father also passes away and it was so fast and not expected. He also saw doctors who told us he had lots of time. But in 3 weeks he was gone. It's so hard to deal with because u believe that the doctors know best and you hope they are right. But when they are not it is more difficult. I miss my dad every day and I know people probably say to you it does get easier and to me that gets so annoying because it don't seem to. But I'm telling you it does. Some days I can't get out of bed I'm so depressed and sad and lonely I don't even want to be awake. Those days are the worst. Some days I get up but don't want to be but I try my best. Then there's others where I get up and I remember all the great times we had and the wonderful memories we made and those days are awesome and I cherish those because they are so far I between the others that I have to hold them close. I hope this helps. I care about you and am here for u 

  • I am new to this site, but I too lost my dad on 9th November 2016, he was diagnosed five weeks before we lost him of an aggressive brain tumour, I think as it was so quick and my parents live in Dorset my sister, brothers and I did not get to see dad everyday and didn't have enough time to be with him, they used to live literally five minutes from me and I would have been there everyday if they still lived round the corner. On my way into work today there were three ladies in front of me laughing away and I just thought to myself why cant I laugh like that, I feel that I shouldn't be laughing as my dad is not here. My husbands mum's birthday is next weekend and his niece is organising a get together which I truly do not want to go to, I don't want to talk much and just want to be on my own, I got so upset the other night that I could not get my breath, I just feel that the rest of my family are carrying on as if all is normal. Sharon xx
  • Hi my name is debbie , we lost our dad 2nd December 2016  he to had back complaint was given tablets, and several urine infections too but not one doctor suggested MRI scan considering he had had bladder cancer for 16 yrs ,he was in so much pain and bedridden for 2weeks before the doctor gave him morphine to kill pain then sent him for scan . Few days later I got him admitted to hospital it was the longest day ever an emotional roller coaster for my mum , my sisters and brother let alone my dad . It was waiting in A&E we got the results of scan obviously bad news it was worst day of our lives.  Dad stayed in hospital for 5weeks having biopsys, radiotherapy ( which paralysed him waist down ) and still NO RESULTS waiting and asking every day it was joke !!! To then be told cancer was in his lungs , bones ,spine and glands it crushed our whole world, we was so angry to and still nobody knew where the main source came from even to this day . We managed to get dad home I took time off work as I did my middle sister and I looked after him and my mum every day, unfortunately we only had him home 2weeks and he died , watching him deteriorate was heart breaking our dad big strong jolly giant from east end of London looking so sad and helpless. I'm struggling so badly I'm hell to live with, I cry ,my heart aches I want my dad to walk through the door and make us laugh , to cuddle me and tell me it's not real just a bad dream ,I'm angry all the time hate people getting on with life when I have such a hole in mine so not fair . I lost my job because they said I took too much time off that makes me angry too no compassion what so ever . I can't believe my dads cancer was so advanced and nobody could tell us . I don't trust doctors and bloody hate cancer . My condolences to everyone who has lost a loved one ️ X