I lost my Mum in October last year to Cancer. Although it has been nearly 5 months since she passed, I am now starting to struggle with her loss.
Upon reflecting on our relationship over the past 51 years. One striking part was the point where I did not have regular contact for approximately 20 years. More so from me not making the effort, when I should have. We spoke at birthdays, Christmas and other family events such as weddings, christenings and funerals. We only started to speak more often over the past 2 years and most recently every 2 or 3 days after she was diagnosed with Cancer. During the 2 years we (my Wife and I) have made the effort to spend quality time with her. Growing up and into my late twenties, I was always really close to my Mother. My love for her did never stop or even reduce. It has always been really strong.
The struggle is getting hard. Thank you for reading.