Mum is days away from dying

My mum has stage 4 terminal cancer of the liver that’s spread to her lungs and lymph nodes. She was diagnosed last October and we were told she has months. She’s barely been home since she was diagnosed and has been in hospital almost 4 weeks. We were called in last week to say goodbye but she’s still with us for now. I’ve been caring for her and also my dad who has multiple health issues and dementia and I was diagnosed with autism and adhd last year. Due to my conditions, my emotions are intensified and when mum was diagnosed I just couldn’t eat for 4 days. I describe myself as a child in an adults body and I’m utterly terrified of losing her. We did everything together, we like the same sort of clothes, music, foods and garden centres and because I struggle understanding written information/instructions, mum would read them and tell me what it says in a way that I wouldn’t get distressed and have a meltdown. She has been my mum, support worker, social worker and best friend all in one and I really don’t want to carry on without her. I don’t think I can cope without her and life will be too empty. If there are any Audhd people on here who’ve lost their mum, how do you cope with all these horrible intense emotions? Thanks 

  • Hello VStar1630, 

    Thank you for coming here and updating us on your mum - such sad news. It must be a terrifying time for you as you were so close to your mum and she knows you so well and I just wanted you to know you are not alone, that we are all here for you on Cancer Chat and many here understand what you are going through having been through something similar themselves. I hope that you will also hear from other people with Audhd who have lost their mum and dealt with all these intense emotions you describe. I think my colleague Steph has mentioned similar resources before - for example  ADHDadult and the National Autistic Society, both of which have online forums like this one where you might find other people who have also lost a loved one and have Audhd like yourself. It is definitely worth contacting them and explaining your situation. 

    Keep strong VStar1630. What you are going through is incredibly hard but there is help available. If you feel really down or that you can't cope with the idea of losing her mum, it's important not to suffer alone so get in touch with your GP or get in touch with Samaritans who are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week on 116 123. 

    We're thinking of you during this difficult time and I hope that you will hear from other members of our community and that they will be along shortly with comforting words. 

    Best wishes, 

    Lucie, Cancer Chat Moderator