Grandad is dying. Anticipatory grief is really getting to me.

Sorry this might be a bit of a rambly post. I’m 20 and my grandad is in his 80s. He’s my last male grandparent left (I had another grandad and a step grandfather who both had cancer too but psssed away around 6/7 years ago) and I live away from home at uni. I came back for a weekend this weekend and I’ve found out he only has been told he has about 6 months left. He’s signed a DNR and has told my dad he is worried about my nana being on her own and being lonely. It’s broken my heart.

I saw him as soon as I got back and am planning on seeing him and my nana today before I go back to uni. I try to call as much as I can but sometimes life just gets in the way and they aren’t very tech savvy so a face time (which somehow seems easier) isn’t really an option. I’ve made a promise to myself I will call at least once a week. 

I know my grandad is in pain but for now he is quite active still, though a bit more wobbly and frail. It is hard. I feel sad being away at uni and not being around as much. I think he’s planning on being at home and not in a hospice (I don’t think he’s properly thought about it yet) but I’m worried I will get a call and have to come down and what if I miss him or the trains are late? I’m worried when I see him later I won’t see him again because 6 months is just an estimate isn’t it? I feel like grief is so much harder as an adult because I’ve had him all of my childhood but he won’t be at my wedding or see my kids. It’s just so hard. I’m worried about forgetting his voice and his stories. I already miss him even though he’s still here.

  • Hello Sunshine Angel

    First I am sorry you are going through this

    It is hard to see our beloved grandfathers become ill and frail. All the things you say are totally natural to be thinking and feeling.

    I would say ask your grandad if you can record his voice the next time you speak ( i recently found a recording of my dad from way back and it was lovely) and ask questions/listen if he reminisces you will be glad you did.

    Re uni and getting home 

    Have funds available  for emergency short notice travel

    Tell Uni of your will likely be distracted from studies with thoughts of how he is doing.....then you should get extra time for submissions etc if you need it. and if /when you need or want to go home perhaps at short notice they will be aware.

    It is important to look after yourself at this time....share with trusted friends and family how you feel perhaps the nurses here or macmillian 

    And or/ speak to a counsellor if you need to at .uni (should have a mental health team )

    I hope these practical things dont sound too cold its just from personal experience of both losing my own grandad at a similar age and supporting my own children when they lost my dad/their grandad 

    Most important do what feels right for you...time is precious x

    Take care