I lost my partner a few days ago and I am feeling so sad and lost. He was only 58. We were together for 4 years when we were very young and then our paths crossed again 6 years ago and we got back together.
He had always suffered with acid reflux and would often throw up his food. I begged him to go to the doctors and he said not to worry he had been suffering with these symptoms for years before I even was with him. The symptoms got worse in the summer and then he was diagnosed with oesophagus cancer at the end of November after an endoscopy . He went for various scans and we hoped he would have treatment. Then just after the new year we were told he was terminal and had 3-6 months at the most and he would not get any treatment. The cancer had spread to the liver, lungs and bones. I only got 3 weeks with him and they were the most painful 3 weeks. He lost so much weight, was being sick all the time and his skin turned yellow. Nothing prepared me for how quickly he would deteriorate. He was so brave through all of it. Now I am just heartbroken and I don’t know what to do. I feel like I have cried non stop for weeks now since we were told and I am exhausted. If anyone can give me any support advice I would really appreciate it.xx