I miss my dad

Hi everyone….

My dad passed away on 13th July 2024. He had multiple myeloma for 7yrs. He was a very brave, proud man and wanted to fight this for as long as he could…even till his last chemo 10days before he passed.

I am an only child, married with a son of my own. We have a lovely close relationship. My mum dad and I were very close too. 

It has been 6mths since my dad passed and I miss him so much. My mum worries about me as I’ve not been able to return to work yet as I don’t feel ready. I know my dad would want me to get on with life and get back to work but sometimes I don’t even want to get out of bed. 
The last 6days with my dad snowballed. He was put on end of life care on the Monday and he passed away on the Saturday morning. My mum and I looked after him at home as we didn’t want him to go into hospital. It was the hardest thing I have ever done but in saying that I would do it again if a family member needed that care. 

I know there are so many others going through this but at the moment….I  just feel so lost……

  • Just wanted you to know you aren’t alone. My dad died in April 2024.. although he had cancer for 4 years, it was only 13 days from being told nothing more to be done to him passing away in his sleep. He was only 59… like you I am an only child (on dads side, parents separated when I was small) I miss him terribly, he was my best mate and the best popsie to my children. I find myself split between the new normal and wanting and feeling like I should be doing “normal” things again to being totally bereft and crippled by grief. It’s actually unbearable at times. I walk a lot with my Dog… just sending love and support your way.

  • Your story sounds so similar to mine. Dad was a strong, tough man who fought acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Being told all of a sudden that he had "days or weeks to live" destroyed my life and 6 days later he was gone. That was in August and I miss him every day. If you ever need a chat, reach out.