I lost my beautiful mum on Christmas day

I lost my bestfriend and my world on Christmas day. I can't believe I'm even writing these words - it feels surreal. 

My mum was diagnosed with late stage lung cancer in June. She refused treatment and opted in for palliative care. She seemed to be doing okay just 2 weeks ago. She was chatting away in the living room with a glass of wine but then she declined so much Christmas week. She didn't even need morphine before this really and managed to control the pain with ibuprofen.

She also had osteoporosis, I'm not sure if it was all linked but she suddenly was in so much pain. The palliative nurses couldn't keep on top of it and despite giving her morphine and increasing it , it didn't seem to help. Then her breathing got bad, she became so wheezy and could barely talk. All of this happened within  a week. I saw her on Christmas day and she was in bed and I couldn't believe I was talking to the same mum I was 2 weeks ago. She didn't want to eat really anymore but despite being so weak she managed to say how much she loved me. 

I didn't think that was the end. I still had hope she would get better and this was just a bad moment and I don't know, adjusting to the morphine or something. But 5pm that afternoon, we had left to give her some rest. My dad helped her out the bathroom and she had a cardiac arrest, collapsed, and slipped away in his arms. The paramedics tried to save her but there wasn't really anything they could do. Her bones and lungs were so fragile by that point that she would have been hooked up to machines if they did bring her back. She always told us she didn't want to get to that stage. 

And that was that. My beautiful mum, my bestfriend who was the strongest woman I ever knew died on Christmas day. 

I'm still in shock how this all declined so quickly. I feel like from diagnoses, the NHS really let her down and we had such a lack of support. There was no care or empathy from them and ill never forgive the doctors and nurses who cared for her (apart from one called Kim who was very kind). The rest couldn't care less. 

How do I even deal with this pain? Our mum was everything, everything was about my mum. The house is all her, Christmas was about her, even my dad lived for her. I have no idea how to support him in this as he is truly, truly lost. We all are. She was the center of our universe and living in this world without her seems impossible.

The grief is unbearable. I even physically collapse when I have  the waves of pain. I feel at the moment I don't want to carry on without her. I spoke to her more or less every single day, even about stupid things, stress at work or the colour I'm getting my nails done. And now she's suddenly gone. Does this get better? I suppose I'm looking for any glimmer of hope right now.

The only peace I have is that my mum really did leave us on her own terms- at home and in my dad's arms. We didn't get to the point to a hospice or mum being hooked up to machines. But I know she wouldn't have wanted to go on Christmas day- a day she used to love once a upon a time. 

  • Hello,

    I am so sorry.  There is never a right time to lose someone you love.  It’s seems even harsher when it’s Christmas or some other memorable occasion. I lost my husband near Christmas 9 years ago.     I can say it does get easier. Your mum sounds like she knew exactly what she wanted and so glad she went on her own terms despite that being sudden and a shock to you all.   
    in time you will only remember the good times, the special love filled days and these dark days will always be there but you will be able to selectively leave them in the dark.

    Be kind to yourself now and hug together as a family to remember her the way she wanted.

    i do wish you the peace of mind and comfort of the great love you all share.

    all my best


  • Thank you Sylvia. It means so much you took the time to reply. I'm also so sorry to hear about your husband passing but by sharing your experience and saying it will get easier does give me some hope. 

    I'm very worried about my dad. There are 4 of us so we will be there for him as much as possible but he really did live for my mum. It breaks my heart to think of him sleeping in their bed alone every night. 

    Thank you for your comforting words. 


  • Hello, I am so sorry for your terrible loss.  I lost my mum to cancer many years ago, and what I can tell you is that the terrible raw grief you are feeling will fade in time.  Don't get me wrong........I don't believe that we ever completely 'get over' losing the people we love, but eventually, we reach a state of sad acceptance about it.  My thoughts and prayers are with you, and once again, so sorry for your loss.  

  • Thank you Blue girl. I'm sorry also that you lost your beautiful mum. It seems so cruel and unfair when they leave us. I'd do anything to get her back.

    Thanka again or your kind words and taking the time to reply. If has given some hope that I'll get through this. 


  • HHTT it breaks my heart reading what happened to you ,but I totally understand where your coming from I too lost my mother ,my best friend on Dec 3rd ,I'm an only child and like you me and my poor dad are totally broken and lost, exactly like how you described is how I feel ,she fought non hodgkins lymphoma for 13 years ,had 3 lots of chemo over the years ,she was a fighter ,then August this yea told her the cancer drugs she was taking not working as well as expected,she started going down hill from September  not eating she was only 69 ,I'm 50 so we were like sisters same interests everyth g,the thing that's torturing me is her final hours she was so distressed saying I don't want to go but what can I do ,what can I do felt so sorry for her couldn't help her then she shouted I wanna get out of this world so bravely me and dad gently said ok just wait for us ,then from nowhere she was shouting but I don't want to leave you I'm going over and over it's driving me mental ,I don't know how I'm gonna be Monday it's her funeral ,I truly feel if I die I don't care so I can be with her in peace cause my life is over withou her

  • Hi Nightybird. Thank you for replying and I'm so sorry for the loss of your lovely mother and bestfriend. It helped me to write down what happened, just to get it out. Although it's painful. 

    I've felt the exact same feeling, like my life is over without her but I do remember she would have wanted me to carry on. And your mum would be the same. Our dads need us as well. And I'm hopeful with each day, it'll get a little 'easier'.  Please don't torture yourself with her last moments, my dad does the same. I say to him, she's at peace now and she would want peace for you. But I know it's easier said than done. 

    My thoughts will be with you on Monday. Sending you strength in this awful time. 


  • Thank you my darling xxx