My son was diagnosed last year with cancer
he had chemo and a stem cell transplant last Christmas but unfortunately the cancer came back and he sadly passed away on Feb this year
he was only 31 and had 3 young children
My son was diagnosed last year with cancer
he had chemo and a stem cell transplant last Christmas but unfortunately the cancer came back and he sadly passed away on Feb this year
he was only 31 and had 3 young children
Hi Mpat,
I noticed no-one has replied to you just yet so I wanted to reassure you that your post has been seen, and to also offer my deepest sympathies for the loss of your son earlier this year.
I can't even begin to imagine what you and your family have gone through but I hope you can take some strength, and comfort, from knowing that you are not alone Mpat as quite a few of our members have also been in this position with their adult children so they will completely understand what you are contending with and hopefully some of them will stop by soon to share their experiences and advice.
If you are struggling to cope with your grief, make sure you reach out to your GP or possibly a bereavement support service such as Cruse or Sue Ryder as they are there to listen and will do all they can to help you on this very difficult journey.
Keep posting if you find it helps Mpat, and remember that we will be here for you, always.
Kind regards,
Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator
I’m so sorry for your loss. I can’t even imagine how devastated you must be. I am sending you all the love in the world x
Thankyou so much x
Hi Mpat. I cannot even imagine how painful it must be to lose your child, regardless if they're 10, 30 or 60. I'm sending you a big warm hug and my thoughts are with you, and also his family, his kids and partner. There are so many heartbreaking stories here it makes you wonder how is it possible with all the advancements in medicine, technology and everything, how is it possible to still speak about cancer... I'm very sorry for your loss xx