4 months on since my dad died. Feel so trapped with my grief. Does anyone else feel the same?

My dad died almost 4 months ago now and I still think about him and miss him every day. I continue to re-live all the dark moments of his final weeks. Just recently though I am finding myself crying more than ever. Everything just reminds me of him such as programmes on the TV or places I go to. Does anybody else have a similar experience? I feel trapped in this grief.

  • Welcome to our forum, Matt101.
    I’m so sorry to hear about the loss of your dad and how much you’re struggling with your grief.
    Losing someone so dear can be incredibly overwhelming and it’s understandable that reminders of him bring up such strong emotions. 
    You might find this page on Coping with Grief helpful as it offers advice and support for navigating grief, which can sometimes feel as you’ve described, like being trapped.
    Please do keep sharing your thoughts here if it helps. This community is here to support you.
    Best wishes,
    Renata, Cancer Chat Moderator
  • Hi  ,

    Reading your post really resonated with me.
    My Dad passed away in July, and my heart physically hurts when I think about him. 

    I also re-live his final weeks, almost like a reel of videos in my head. It knocks me sick and makes me so angry. 
    I want to remember all of the happy time but it is clouded by his final weeks. When I try and block them out I feel angry that I have to remember the good times. "Why do I have to remember them instead of having him here making more memories" I'd think to myself. I am the first in my friendship group to have lost a parent. 
    My grief journey so far has mostly circled around the yearning and anger stages. I am exhausted and just want my Dad to walk through the door.