Struggling nearly 6 months on

It’s nearly been 6 months without my mum and I feel worse. I’m tired, exhausted mentally and physically and just have no desire to ‘play’ with my kids. I’m so snappy at them and it’s so wrong.
I’m also a performing arts teacher at a secondary school 3 days a week and I’ve lost the love and enthusiasm for that. My therapist says I need time now to focus on me and found out who I am. My mum and I were inseperable. Did everything together.
I just don’t know what to do anymore…..something needs to change as I feel I’m hitting a brick wall.
I would give up work but I know I will never get a job like it……I want a job where I can be there for my kids drop off pick up and school holidays but there isn’t one…..

I genuinely thought I would feel better but I feel worse! My mum died so suddenly. March hip pain….april broke her hip found out she had lung cancer…..May she passed away.
It’s 9am and I’m struggling to get out of bed.
I just want to be happy!

  • Hey J.e.m., I'm really sorry for how difficult things have been since your mum passed away.

    Coping with grief can be very tough. It can also be very overwhelming at times, and for long periods of time there can be more bad days than good, but you are not alone J.e.m as so many of our members have gone through this as well and will know exactly how you are feeling, and I'm sure some of them will be along soon to offer you their support and advice. 

    I know you're seeing a therapist at the moment, but I'm not sure if that includes grief counselling. Some of our members have found this to be really useful when working through their grief and/or are struggling to cope with tricky situations so if this is something that you feel may help you at this time, do have a look at the support and services offered by Cruse and Sue Ryder, the latter of which has an online forum just like this one, where you can connect with others who are on a similar journey.

    There will many more challenges along the way J.e.m, but I hope you can take some strength, and comfort, from knowing that we are here for you and sending all our support your way.

    Kind regards,

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator