I miss my Mum, it still doesn't feel real

I lost my Mum nearly three months ago now. She was only 53. We found out my Mum had kidney cancer about 7 years ago, and then in May this year we were told it had spread to her brain and she only had weeks to live. It came as a huge shock to us, because my Mum had been living with cancer for a long time and the treatments had been working. For the past 7 years, she had still been able to do things and travel and enjoy her life, so I had hoped this day would never come. It still doesn't feel real, I'm only 22 and I don't know how to navigate my life without her. She was my best friend, and although she got to see more than she thought she would with me graduating university, and my younger sister graduating high school, I still feel so angry that her time was cut so short. I miss her so much, I feel jealous of people who get to grow old with their mothers, and I can't believe I'll never be able to speak to her or hug her or even see her again. I'm doing my Masters at university, and I work a part-time job, and trying to get back into my normal life has felt so weird. It breaks my heart that my Mum won't be there to see us grow up, and she will miss so many things she should have been here for. I am worried about my Dad and my sister. My Grandparents on my Mum's side, I love them so much but it is so difficult visiting them, and it feels so strange to be over and see an empty seat where my Mum should be. I feel like none of my friends really understand, although they try to help, because losing a parent at such a young age is something no one can really understand until it happens to them. My Mum was the glue and we are all so lost without her, I just don't know how I will ever be able to move forward. Every stupid question I had she always had the answer, and she was so strong and looked after us all more than we knew. I miss her so much. People have stopped asking how I am as much, and life is supposed to be moving forward, but it all feels so wrong. 

  • Welcome to the forum Neeveev although you have my sincerest and most heartfelt condolences for your loss.

    It sounds like your mum was a wonderful person and I'm so sorry she has been taken from you and your family so soon. I know you've mentioned a lot of things that she won't be here to see but I do hope, in time, that you can take some comfort from all the wonderful moments and memories you did manage to have together even though her time was limited. I know that will never take away the pain from loosing her, but she will always be with you in your mind and your heart.

    So many of our members know how difficult and painful it can be to lose a parent at such a young age, so you are not alone Neeveev, and I'm sure it won't be long until you receive some support and advice.

    Coping with grief is very tough and brings so many challenges along the way, so be kind to yourself Neeveev and remember that we will always be here for you.

    Kind regards,

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator