Can’t cope loosing my mum to cancer

I lost my mum in 2022. It’s so hard to understand why she was taken at a young age it’s hard.. Trying cruse they don’t want to work with me. I’m wanting someone to speak to when I need my mum. My mum was my rock and I’m her pebbles. I wish it wasn’t hard but I lost years with my mum due to living with my ex at the time when I went back home she later sadly passed away in her sleep! I was there when she died I watched her die it was horrible 

  • Hello Mikey96

    I'm so sorry to hear that you lost your Mum in 2022. Losing a parent at any age is difficult and you mention in your post that she passed away at a young age so I can imagine that it was even more of a loss to bear. 

    You mention in your post that you've already tried to access counselling with Cruse but that hasn't been successful. I know that many people here in the Cancer Chat community have found bereavement support to be a great help. Perhaps speak with your GP practice to see what other services are available in your local area that you may be able to connect with. You might also like to have a look at the Marie Curie bereavement support information. Sometimes it can take a while to find the right kind of bereavement support but there are services available so do reach out to your GP for advice. 

    If you find in the meantime that you're really struggling with your grief then you can call the Samaritans who are available 24/7 365 days a year with a listening ear. 

    I do hope that you can access the support you need Mikey96 and that things become a little easier for you. 

    Best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator