Hi All,
I'm writing this post to see how people have found healthy ways of coping with grief.
I'm going to brutally honest and say that I feel the same way today as I did when my mum died of a brain tumour only 9 months ago. I can't shake the feeling of this grief and it's starting to really weigh me down.
I'm only 18 and cared for her right up until she died so it was rather traumatic to say the least! I often get nightmares about that night and can't even after all this time go into her bedroom.
I want to be able to remember her in happy and positive light not in the depressive state I am in now.
So, I'm writing this post not for sympathy but for advice on how to start making my life and feelings more positive again. I know there will always be a taint of sadness when I think of her but, for the last few months, it has consumed me.
Any advice would be great appreciated and I apologise if this is too much.