I just lost my dad

Hi everyone 

im 46 and lost my dad 2 weeks ago, he wasn’t just my dad but my business partner, best friend, safety net, basically my world, I cant currently see how to cope and don’t want to carry on without him 

  • Hello Mail, 

    I just wanted to welcome you to our forum and say that we are so sorry for your recent loss. It must be so hard for you and it is all still so incredibly raw as he passed away just 2 weeks ago and you seemed to be so close. You have come to the right place to talk to others who have also lost a loved one and who will understand the feelings you describe, that it is bound to be a time for you when you feel you don't know how to cope. The grieving process is a very personal thing and as is well explained on our page on coping with grief, you might go through a range of feelings and these can often be rather overwhelming; the two things that will help the most are time and support and I hope that you have friends or family by your side. Keep strong I know it's really hard and I hope that other members of our community who have been through something similar will share some coping strategies with you based on their personal experiences of losing a parent or a loved one. Talk to your GP if you feel everything is just too much at any time as I am sure they will have some good suggestions for you to help you get through the coming days and months.

    If you wanted to talk to someone at any time of day or night, the Samaritans helpline is also there for you 24 hours a day and you can call it for free on 116 123 so don't hesitate to reach out at any time. 

    We're thinking of you during this difficult time and wanted you to to know that you are not alone and I will now let our members come and say hello and share their own stories with you. 

    Best wishes, 

    Lucie, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • I lost my daddy at 36 he was 78. He was my best friend my confidant my go to and I was absolutely devastated when he was given just weeks to live. I found a peace with him that meant I could cope with him going afterwards. I have to say that 3 years on its still as painful if not more as I haven't seen or spoken to him for 3 years his space on my sofa is empty and whenever I need something he's not there just in my heart heart and thoughts. Sadly my mum couldn't cope without my dad and 12 weeks after he passed away she took her own life. I have to say that the pain doesn't subside but you learn to live without them and in some ways strive to make them even more proud of you than they already were. I take a comfort in spiritual guidance and it helped me to understand that they never truly leave they are simply in the next room. Please take care of yourself look after yourself and most of all be kind to yourself. Best wishes.