Losing my husband

Hello everyone, it's rubbish we have to come on here to talk about cancer it just shouldn't be a thing. It has robbed me of my gorgeous husband and I am so angry. He started to be unwell around 16 months ago with feeling full and wind. After a month of trying to ease this himself with over the counter stuff I urged him to go to the doctor's. The doctor thought it might be an ulcer and prescribed him omeprazole. He was still suffering so went to docs again who referred him to the gastro clinic at the hospital. He went for a camera and they called him back for another a few weeks later as they thought there was something suspicious. A consultant did this one and took better biopsies. This let him in pain for days afterwards. They called us back and said they didn't think this was good news so did another camera with more biopsies. A day or so later he was taken into A&E in awful pain where he was admitted. The same consultant then broke it to us he thought this was cancer as the way the biopsy was taken from the tumour he would put his house on it, but a few weeks later the results were negative so they started to think it was a rare disease called Whipple's disease nothing to do with a wipples procedure for cancer. He was in and out of hospital with pain and then got jaundice so got sent to hospital where a consultant told us he needed 2 stents fitted to allow his food to exit his stomach as the tumour was making this get blocked. He went to xxxx for the first stent and when I got the notes back it said that cancer was seen and then he went back for the second stent. The day after his operation the consultant said he was very sorry but he looked like he was riddled with cancer and only had around 6 months to live. He sent us home and back to our local hospital to oncology to get some chemo. Lots more biopsies lymph nodes etc were taken at xxxx but at home the oncologist told us until they find  cancerous cells on a biopsy there Is nothing they can do. 2 weeks later he got a call to say all results were negative for cancer our heads were mashed. He still wasn't well and losing weight went back to xxx for an operation to re route his bowel in January to allow him to eat better but this never really helped. He was taken in hospital again in April where he was getting a build up of fluid on his abdomen and was very close to having sepsis. The fluid was drained he had more biopsies and ended up being transferred to another hospital where he underwent more test, scans, lymph nodes removed to see what was going on and 16 months later they confirmed it had spread to his spine and lungs and that it was cancer but they still couldn't tell us what kind. They called it a cancer of an unknown primary and he had 3 to 6 months to live, maybe 9 with treatment. He was discharged on the 14th may and if stayed healthy he could go back down the following week to start chemo. We came home and things just got worse, he couldn't sleep due to coughing up stuff from his stomach, he went back in to have some fluid drained off his stomach again and then we were told he needs a blood transfusion this was a mistake but he spent a night in hospital and when I picked him up in the morning he looked like he had aged 20 years. From then things went down hill fast and 10 days after being discharged he passes away suffering right till the end bless him. After 16 months being told 3 times it was cancer then it wasn't, having no treatment other than pain relief and antibiotics my gorgeous husband was taken from me and I am so angry. I can't believe he fought so much and we never got any diagnosis all the specialists that said it was cancer but because the histollogy always came back negative they said they couldn't do anything until we went to xxx. If he was given that 8 months ago he could still be here for a good few years and we could be making memories instead of going backwards and forwards to hospital for different tests. Now I am arranging his funeral and breaking my heart that I will never see him, speak to him or feel his touch again. Please if your gut is telling you something isn't right ask for second third forth opinions and push for treatment because you can get it and it might just give someone else that chance my Andy didn't get.

  • I am so sorry for your loss and that your husband did not get the care that he deserved.

    You are in my thoughts and prayers.

  • Hello MrsB75

    My heart goes out to you and your much loved husband, Andy.  It breaks my heart to read all that your Andy went through, and you too.  I have no words.  i am so very sorry for your sad loss.

    I lost my husband to Junctional Esophagus Cancer, wll be 8 years this September, feels like yesterday some days.  

    i do hope you have family and friends to be there and listen and comfort you, so so hard.  i have found this forum a comfort and help.  You have reached out, others im sure will help you too.  

    I echo your plea, about gut feelings and to push and push for help.

    So sorry again for your loss.   Look after you.  Huge hugs xx