Gone - loss of friend and partner and returning to work

I lost a close friend to liver cancer 2 years ago. It still doesn't seem real. She was given 6 months and she died within 4. She was only 48 and her son was 15 at the time. lt was a huge shock. 

My partner of over 8 years died 9 weeks ago on Tuesday. He had secondary metatarsal cancer in the lungs. 

I've gone back to work. I'm a secretary in mental health. It's so hard. 

  • Hello Purp,  I just wanted to say Im so so sorry for the loss of your dear friend and your partner.  The loss of your friend two years ago is still early days and your partner just 9 weeks ago is all so raw.  Cancer is such a cruel disease.  I lost my husband and my dad very close together and my sister in law and brother too.  What your going through is so hard.  I hope you jave other friends and family to support you.  I found this forum a great help and also cruse and our local hospice were amazing.  I really wish with all my heart that you were not having to go through such painful grief.  Just all my love and hugs to you.  Look after you take care xx