My Auntie is dead - teminal cancer

I lost her 2 days ago, she was battling cancer for a couple of months. I miss her so much, so so much. I'm 16 years old and I don't know how life will return to normal with her gone. I regret so many things, not visiting her enough, not cherishing the visits as much as i could of and not seeing her reach her birthday. that was the one thing she wanted when she was diagnosed with terminal cancer. she didnt even get to see her birthday. she planned it all out, it was going to be a big party. now she will never have another birthday again, another party again, i will never get to see her again, i will never get to hug her again or have a conversation with her again. she was such a wonderful woman, with wonderful children and a wonderful sister. the thing that tears me up the most is how my mother is coping. recently my grandma died and now her sister too. i don't know how she is coping, i feel so bad for her and i dont want her to be sad. theres nothing i can do, say, console that will make her feel better. everything is going wrong, i miss my auntie.

  • Hello sd.1234.  I know it's only words, but I am so sorry for your loss.  There is nothing that anyone can say or do that will make you feel better, because grief is something that can not be taken away.  The only thing that I can tell you is that eventually, there will be some normality that returns to your life.  I don't believe that we ever completely get over losing the people that we love, but somehow, some way, we get through it, and there comes a point when the pain is no longer as raw and overwhelming as it once was. One day, you will be able to remember your Auntie and smile at all of the wonderful memories that she has left you.  You and your Mum need time to process your loss, and this won't happen overnight.  Grief is a process, and sadly, there are no short-cuts.  I understand that you don't want your Mother to feel sad.  It is hurting you to see how hurt your Mother is, and you want to take away her pain.  Why not speak to your Mother about it?  She might welcome the opportunity to talk to you about how she is feeling, and likewise, you can tell her how you are feeling.  You have both suffered huge losses recently and talking to each other about it could really be beneficial to both of you.  Once again, so sorry for your loss, and believe me when I say that I truly do know how you feel, xx