Losing a dear friend

One of my best friends has had cancer since his early 20s (he is now 28) and that dreaded time has come. We knew this day would come but it all seems to have happened so quickly. In a matter of weeks his treatment has stopped working, the cancer has spread rapidly and aggressively, and now there are no other options. He is in hospital in lieu of a hospice, just waiting. I have been to visit to say my goodbyes and I can't get the image of him out of my head. He is so much more than his cancer but I don't want those last moments of him to be all I remember. I feel so angry that this is how it is ending. He has his whole life ahead of him and it's being stolen from him. He won't get to finish his PhD, buy his first house with his girlfriend, get married, we won't get to go on our long awaited planned trips, we won't go to the pub and do the quiz anymore. Just day to day life feels so hard and I feel like I'm grieving him twice. Every day I'm waiting for that phone call and every time my phone buzzes I'm filled with anxiety. I don't know how to go about life without him in it and I don't know how I'll ever move past the anger that this awful disease has manifested in me. 

  • Welcome to Cancer Chat, lostxyz23.

    I'm sorry to hear about your friend. It's heartbreaking to see someone you care about facing such a devastating situation. Your feelings of anger and grief are completely natural and show how much your friend means to you.

    It can be tough to think about this now but try to hold on to the good memories—the laughter, the plans, and the everyday moments. These memories will always be a part of you and can bring comfort. It's okay to feel angry; cancer is incredibly unfair. Allow yourself to feel these emotions, but also seek moments of peace where you can focus on the positive times you’ve shared.

    Talking to someone close to you or a counsellor can help you process these feelings. You also might find support through organisations like Let's Talk About Loss for example.

    Take care of yourself and do stop by whenever you need a chat.

    All the best,

    Renata, Cancer Chat Moderator