Loss of husband to oesophageal cancer

My husband of 44 years was diagnosed with stage 4 oesophageal cancer in February 2024 after 3 endoscopies, biopsies, a CT scan and a PET scan.  The cancer had spread to the liver, pelvis, bones, upper sigmoid and abdominal lymph nodes.  Before Christmas 2023 we had no idea anything was wrong.  He died in April, 4 weeks ago.  The cancer progressed so fast it was difficult to keep up with the changing symptoms.  I likened it to one of those video games where a monster is rampaging through a forest trampling everything in sight with snipers and explosions and arrows aimed at it, but they bounce off. 

My husband ate a whole Christmas dinner and seemed fine but by February had lost over 2 stone in weight, struggled to eat, and by March could hardly swallow liquids.  He then had a stent inserted which caused severe pain, was rushed to A & E with suspected sepsis, spent 15 hours in A & E in a corridor, sent home with antibiotics.  He could hardly swallow, didn't feel hungry, hardly eating, lost more weight, developed Bell's palsy with severe nerve pain on left side, could not shut left eye, developed a cough and could hardly breathe.  He  then kept falling as the cancer in the pelvis was causing the left leg to collapse. 

My daughter was staying with me and we could hardly sleep for worry.  For the last week of his life he was taken into the local hospice and received the most unbelievable care and compassion which I did not think possible. He was on oxygen and a syringe driver.  Even more unbelievable was that the hospice has to run solely on donations which have fallen due to the cost of living crisis and therefore they cannot open all their beds.  

I'm OK outdoors but it is awful going back to the empty, silent house, seeing his empty chair, realising all the things he did which I will now be doing by myself, thinking of him when I first met him 44 years ago.  I hear odd sounds in the house and I think someone is there.  I can't sit at the dining room table as that is where we ate together; I can't watch quiz shows as we used to watch them together. I worry about every little thing.  I know I need to give it time, slow down, do helpful things and get used to a "new normal".  I have family and friends but the most important person in my life is missing.  I long to just hug him again.  A friend said "he's only in the next room".  

  • Hello Millie070 

    I am so very sorry for the heartbreaking loss of your much loved husband, for all he went through, for all you and family went through, so devastating.  There are no words for the grief you are going through, I can feel so much of what you are going through.  Your loss was such a short while ago its so raw.  I lost my dad to esophagus cancer on Christmas Day 2014 aged 84 years.  Then toward the end of April my 2015 my soulmate, husband was diagnosed with Junctional Esophagus Cancer.  He passed away on the 10th September 2016.  We were married for 36 years.   He was aged 60.   He was my rock, my world, everything.  I miss him everyday more than words can say.    We had our first grandson born on 13th February 2016, my husband was devastated that he would not be here to watch and support him growing up and enjoy and share the precious gift of our grandson.  Some people said to me its get better.  They meant well but I would not say it gets better.  I would say slowly in your time and your own way you find ways of coping.  For me there are always sad days that come and go its the price we pay for love.  Im so glad you have supportive family and friends around you.  Our daughter and grandson is what helped me cope and keep going and my friends too.  We too had a wonderful hospice where my husband was for the last 21 days of his life.  They were truly amazing.  I dont know what we would have done without them.  When I look back I realise how much in denial I was about my husbands illness.  All the things you say resonate with me so much too.  The empty silent house, the things you did together, hearing things in the house, eating alone, everything.  The most important person in your life missing.  I had counselling with the hospice and also Cruse Bereavement counselling,    It helped me open up about what I was feeling.  This forum is appreciated too,  It helps you express your thoughts and to share them, to open up about all that you are going through. Sadly so many others here going through the same things and losing people they love so much.  I find it can be helpful and makes you feel a little less alone.  I worry like you about everything.  I still find it hard that this is now the new "normal"  I miss my husband every day and every night.  I dont know how to explain really, I was kept busy and are still busy with my now two grandsons and daughter, without them I just dont know,  I have wonderful friends I enjoy spending time with and do lots of things with.  I enjoy days out, holidays, time spent with my family and friends but I still miss and always will my husband.  I always say he will never be gone, everything we do in life, we take my husband, dad and grandad with us.  I talk to him all the time.  I know he would want me to be happy and live, its hard without him, but we live for him too now.  I dont think im expressing things well.  Im sending you huge hugsm take it a day at a time, reaching out to your familym friends and on this forum too, others will come along and be of comfort and help.  So sorry for your loss take care xx

  • Thank you so much for your reply. With this cancer there was no warning or symptoms until near the end and then it accelerated so fast. It is helpful to hear others who have been through the same thing. 

  • My dad was told yesterday that he has Esophageal Cancer. I was with him when the consultant told him the news after seeing a cancerous tumor after his endoscopy. He had his CT scan today to see how far gone he is. Now we have to wait.  I’m aware that once the symptoms show it’s usually too late. He also has a hiatus hernia which could have hidden his cancer symptoms for some time. 
    He’s only 68, non smoker and rarely drinks. Always trained and been very fit. It’s unfair to say the least and I’m absolutely devastated. He’s my hero.