The final chapter, how do you cope?

Hello, my partner was diagnosed with terminal lung cancer in June last year. It’s been a difficult journey but a time I’m so very thankful to have had. The last two weeks things have rapidly deteriorated and we now find ourselves facing this final chapter. I am broken and I don’t know what to do apart from taking it step by step and day by day. How do I do it?

  • Hello HappyHaggis

    I'm sorry to hear about your partner's diagnosis and that he is now approaching the final chapter. It's obviously been a very difficult time for you both and it's natural that you may be feeling overwhelmed by emotions. 

    You ask in your post how do you cope? It sounds to me from what you've shared that you are coping, even if it doesn't always feel like it. Sometimes all you can do is take each day at a time. If a day is too much to face, go hour by hour, step by step. 

    I hope that you and your husband are being well supported by a care team. Do lean on them for advice, support, and help. Don't struggle any more than you have to. 

    Please know that my thoughts are with you both at this difficult time HappyHaggis and that the Cancer Chat community is here to listen and support. 

    Best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator 

  • Thank you Jenn. We are very isolated and in a rural area. It’s been a privilege really having such peace but not so easy for support. We planned it this way, as in at home and private and I will do my best to support him through it x