A little poem for this Cancer chat.

Poem ...A whole year

A whole year today Mum

Scince you gained your Angel wings

I wish I could call you

and tell you some things.

A whole year  mum

without you 

It still hurts so much 

I miss you 

I miss your face

Your smile 

And how we would chat 

for a while.

I miss your love 

I miss your touch

I miss all of you mum

So vert,very much

A whole year

It's gone so fast mum

Scince the day you left

Life goes on

But it's not the same

The day you left us

Wevw all felt sorrow 

and pain.

The only good thing Is 

 your not suffering

and won't  ever feel pain.

And  one day

we will all be together again. 

But untill that day

I'll try to be strong

As I know  a part of you 

In me lives on. 

Love you always and forever  ️. 

️  ️ 

  • Hello Jassoscared

    I wanted to reply to thank you for sharing this beautiful poem. Anniversaries of the loss of a loved one can be difficult times, particularly the first anniversary as so many thoughts and feelings can still be fresh in our minds. 

    I hope that it's helped you to share this poem as I'm certain that it will help others in the future as they find themselves approaching milestones after the loss of a loved one. 

    Keep trying to be strong Jassoscared. And for those times when it's difficult, remember the community is always here to listen and support. 

    Best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator 

  • This is such a heartfelt poem ,I'm sure your mam can feel your love ,its beautiful and really touched my heart xxx

  • Ahh Jenny that's so lovely of you to say that,thank you very much. 

    I have my mums picture up on my mantle shelf, with a smaller one of my dad,who passed in 1995. Not thst I need pictures if I think of them * which I do often) I can see them both so clearly in my minds eye, memories remain with us,that's one thing ,that will always remain with us as long as we live.

    I've written quite a few other  poems on here, there is other ones. Some about my feelings going through my cancer journey.Most were written late at night , when I waa finding it hard to sleep, which is often foe me lol. Even a Christmas Poem lol. 

    I just find it helps me to express myself easier in a poem or two.

    I've had some heartfelt replies to them all,from the moderaters on here and from soke lovely people who've reached out and have said how much  my poems have resonated with them and touched thier hearts, which is lovely.

    So I'm sure I will post more soon.

    Thank you so much .

  • Its so good to be able to express our thoughts and memories in words in a poem it gives you such a warm feeling and makes you feel close to a loved one ,I do the same its a great gift to have x

  • Jenny. Thank you it really does .x

  • HappyHaggis

    Thank you so much..

  • Jess 

    how beautiful your poems on this chat are amazing 

    big hugs love Lara xx 

  • Laraj

    Good afternoon  and thank you so much . I'm glad you loved my poems Laraj. I' love writing them I've always loved writing. I used to make up stories  and read them out to my now grown up children,and then to my Grandchildren, who also loved them.  They always had the choice of me reading an actual book to them or a made up story that would just appear in my head lol,they nearly always chose my made up stories. 

    I keep saying I'd love to write books ,but wouldn't know how to actualy get anything  published.  I know I do make a few typing errors in some of them, as I do, on some of my replies on people's posts on here. 

    But I think most people on here can still read the poems I write and still understand them. 

    But with writing a book and getting it published, before it waa actualy published.  it would be checked and edited  by a professional book editor.  Id like to write some books of poems , and  who kniws what other books .  One day I might look into it, you never know. .But thank you ,its nice to know my poems on here are liked,there would be no point  in writing them  if they were not liked by some. Hope you have a good weekend.