Sudden passing

Hi there 

My father was diagnosed on 12th January with stomach cancer in A&E and he passed away at home on 22nd January. I am really struggling to cope with this sudden loss. He appeared to be so fit and well up until the week before he was diagnosed. I suppose when we got the news on the 12th January, I felt we would have some more time with him and some treatment would have prolonged his life.

Does anyone else have experience of this sudden loss? How did you cope with the shock of it all?

  • Hello aj307,

    I'm so sorry to learn of your father's passing and would like to send my condolences on behalf of everyone on Cancer Chat. I can't imagine how you must be feeling, as losing a parent is such a difficult thing to process, but please know that you're not alone and there is support out there. You can reach out to Cruse bereavement for their helpline and services and we have some guidance on our website on navigating grief. The forum is always here for whenever you need.

    I hope this helps,

    Moderator Anastasia